召回模型的网络结构 Youtube的召回模型也受此启发,采用了word embedding的技巧来计算每一个视频的embedding,然后将视频的embedding,用户搜索视频的embedding分别计算average,再加入用户的属性、视频质量等特征,采用两个完全相连的ReLU层和softmax函数来预测用户下一个看的视频是什么。 使用DNN的原因之一,在DNN中连续性变量...
随着网络深度加大,预测准确率在提升,但增加第4层之后,MAP(Mean Average Precision)已经变化不大了 增加了观看历史之外的特征,对预测准确率提升很明显 7. YouTube的排序阶段 用于精准的预估用户对视频的喜好程度。针对数百个item,需要更多feature来描述item,以及用户与视频(user-item)的关系。比如用户可能很喜欢某个视...
The data referring to the type of target audiences were collected as children, adults, elderly (third age), or all of them, and it was noted if the user had any previous pathology. Videos were also codified according to their continent of origin (Australia, America, Africa, Asia, and Euro...
YouTube: distribution of global audiences 2024, by age and gender YouTube: average engagement rate 2023-2024 YouTube: number of interactions 2023-2024 Do you have any questions about our business solutions? We provide you with detailed information about our Professional Account....
The length of an average adult video is shorter than that of the average video on traditional streaming services, and we find that there is minimal engagement with ratings and comments. Video tags are actively used to organize and filter through content, and we observe that the more tags a ...
The length of an average adult video is shorter than that of the average video on traditional streaming services, and we find that there is minimal engagement with ratings and comments. Video tags are actively used to organize and filter through content, and we observe that the more tags a ...
5. The average user spends over 28 hours on the YouTube app Based on the Digital 2024 report, worldwide users spend an average of 28 hours and 5 minutes on the YouTube mobile app. While this data is only for Android users, it speaks volumes about the growing use of YouTube among mob...
average_rating (numeric): Average rating give by users, the scale used depends on the webpage comment_count (numeric): Number of comments on the video age_limit (numeric): Age restriction for the video (years) is_live (boolean): Whether this video is a live stream or a fixed-length vi...
使用LSTM替换average是否有效?基本没效果。 网络结构的代码可见 youtube-dnn-recall-structure.py 问题又来了。 上面一节说的主要是训练。这一节主要说线上服务。 那我要怎么提供线上服务啊? 这其实还有一个内部隐含的问题,就是谁是item的emb,谁是user的emb?我们看模型结构示意图,觉得item emb不是输入的吗?其实...
On average, YouTube shorts can generate between $1 to $5 for 1,000 views. That means you can earn $0.01 to 0.05 per individual view. 6. How much time do people spend on YouTube each month? According to the Data.ai survey, the typical YouTube user spends an average of 23.4 hours ...