在App Store页面上,点击“获取”按钮,然后输入Apple ID密码以完成下载。下载完成后,将在Launchpad或Dock中看到YouTube应用程序的图标。点击该图标即可打开YouTube应用程序,并开始浏览和观看视频。 二、Mac电脑怎么玩游戏 Mac电脑如何玩游戏取决于我们的需求和游戏类型,以下是几种常见的方法。 1.Steam平台图3:Steam St...
Step 3: Click “Download” button to start downloading the video/playlist as video or audio. 1. Copy and Paste URL 2. Select Video Resolution 3. Download Video Download Online Videos Free Gihosoft YouTube video downloader supports many online sites, including YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, Twitter...
iTubeGois one of the best YouTube downloader for Mac, Windows and Android that we can recommend. You can download videos from YouTube and other 10,000+ music/video streaming websites, including Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, FreeSound, etc. No matter what formats you want: MP4, MP3, AAC, ...
Mac OS X 10.8 +, EL Capitan, Yosemite, mavericks, iMac, Macbook Mini, Macbook air, Macbook Pro and more. How to Download Online YouTube Video for Mac? In just a few years YouTube sure has managed to become the number one site for entertainment in the form of video content. This ...
YouTube video downloader for Mac With the VideoDuke YouTube downloader Mac app, you can save your favorite Youtube videos or entire playlists with just a few clicks. Choose between Simple mode or get more control over your YouTube video download Mac with Advanced mode. ...
二.苹果Mac电脑下载YouTube视频 苹果Mac电脑和Windows电脑下载YouTube视频的方法都是差不多的。都是需要先下载软件,然后开始下载视频。唯一不同的地方是,MacBook电脑的人使用的不多,因此这类的软件比Windows版的要少很多。当然,有的软件是只有Mac版,而没有Windows版,比如Downie。常用的Mac版YouTube视频下载软件...
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easy to install application exclusively for Mac computers to help users ripYouTube videos to Mac. Once you are through with the downloading process, you open up the app to input the url, it has the same interface as the YouTube website. You will notice a download button near your URL ...
I'm using MacBook Pro 2015. I'm using Safari to watch YouTube. Does it make sense to use youtube client instead of browser? Will it give me any advantage? If 'yes' ... which one would you recommend? Thanks MediaTube from MediaHuman https://www.mediahuman.com/mediatube/, free, ...
Check your MacBook's performance. Install and openCleanMyMacand run the Smart Care scan. Then, proceed to a deeper cleaning. Run the Cleanup, Protection, Performance, and My Clutter scans. Let's summarize the main ways to download videos from YouTube on Mac: ...