Along with downloading YouTube Vanced, you’ll also need to install Vanced MicroG from APKPure. Vanced MicroG is the key to logging into your YouTube account on the Vanced app despite the lack of GMS on your Huawei device. Note: When installing apps from third-party stores, verifying you ...
官网 - 香港1 奈飞 - 香港2 奈飞 - name: Domestic type: select proxies: - DIRECT - Proxy - name: AsianTV type: select proxies: - Domestic - Proxy - name: GlobalTV type: select proxies: - Proxy - name: Others type: select proxies: - Proxy - Domestic dns: nameserver: - 235...
3、APKPure:这是一款由谷歌官方推出的应用、游戏下载商店,用户无需费尽周折地就能够享受与谷歌商店同样的资源下载服务,轻松畅享平台优质精品资源,并且平台软件无广告插件,对国内用户来说是一款难得的应用商店。 4、最美应用:这是收集和传播高品质应用的新媒体和社区,由应用玩家和设计师一起发现和分享最好看、最好用...