Thandiwe Newton and Steve Zahn Join the Cast of New ‘Anaconda’ 1/18/2025 by Meagan Navarro New ‘Anaconda’ Movie Ensnares Thandiwe Newton, Steve Zahn (Exclusive) 1/18/2025 by Borys Kit The Hollywood Reporter - Movie News ...
Jennifer Lopez plays a documentary filmmaker on location in the Amazon alongside her childhood friend, played by Ice Cube. There, they find a Paraguayan snake hunter played by Jon Voight, who convinces them to hunt for a 40-foot anaconda. It’s a bizarre premise in itself, but its executio...
2、YouTube Movie(电影):YouTube 上的电影专区,提供最新上映的电影、卖座大片等:
A neon version of ancient Egypt and a whole lot of music from nursery rhymes, rap beats and one of the coolest Disney songs in recent years are some of the reasons why millions of Filipinos flooded YouTube in 2014, according to a new poll from Google. Go
看的内容啥都有,比如怎么看麻辣鸡的Anaconda MV(各种露肉,各种摇动) 或者不同宗教信仰的老头老太们怎么看五十度灰 看完后很大家认真地讨论了……女权主义和流行文化。 还开了网红怎么看(Youtubers React)系列,自带流量,集集播放上千万。 让各位网红点评下火爆短视频……然后他们很严肃地讨论起了业内的生态发展...
Movieclips 4030万粉丝 做电影剪辑的,分类特别细致,片荒时一定要打开看看。whinderssonnunes 3980万粉丝...
三个我最常去的Movie Review频道。这些频道内容不用我多说,以新片评论为主。我觉得他们是油管影评圈中...
Movieclips trailers Watchmojo以及MsMojo (尽管内容质量下降,但是制作质量以及话题敏感度还是有必要的)Vsauc...
fake movie trailer啊 skit啊 真的超好笑 而且他还会表达自己对社会现象的看法 他的每一个视频剪辑都很...
5CinemaTyler:谈论从影史经典中获得的启发,标题常用句式为“What ... movie teaches us about ...