Released: 2012 Directed by: Peng Zhang Li, R.T. Wong 28 Swallows and Amazons 98 votes Adventure seekers young and old will be enchanted by this timeless tale based on Arthur Ransome's beloved children's novel. Following four siblings as they embark on a thrilling sailing expedition d...
Wordless,The Red Turtleis an attempt to find new ways to communicate old truths—or old new ways, ways that feel new but aren’t. There is one word inThe Red Turtle, but its isolation amongst the loud non-language of the rest of the film—the ever-present, somnambulant waves; the fau...
He co-founded the Paul Green School of Rock Music to nurture young talent. Dig Deeper 10 Reasons More People Need To Appreciate Jack Black Also ranks #4 on 41 Celebrities Who Look Exactly Like People From History 3 Will Smith 556 votes Will Smith, a name synonymous with Hollywood stardom...
We had lunch and he said: “We need an answer to Doctor Who.” Twenty years earlier, I’d been enrolled at a boarding school full of German kids. We were all the best of friends, and knowing that only seven or eight years earlier our fathers would have been trying to kill each othe...
Most of the videos use effortlessly drawn stick figures narrated with the sweet and dulcet tones of a mid-30s school teacher. Through its videos, this channel offers an answer to a question that you haven't considered before. However, rather than being pointless and unhelpful, this channel ...
loveable alien. The show was a success and ran for four seasons from 1986 to 1990. Now,Alfoften ranks among the best 1980s sitcoms, thanks to its heartwarming approach and lighthearted comedy. Those looking for a sweet and funny show won't find a better option than this beloved 80s ...
Who knows how they would play to Gen Z, but for kids growing up in the ’80s and ’90s, it was always a delight to catch any of those old-school fantasy adventures featuring Ray Harryhausen’s stop-motion monsters on Sunday afternoon TV. In this one, the titular swashbuckler finds himse...
Feel Good Royalty Free Music by Andriy Mashtalir, featuring old school hiphop beat, string...Last Night Marcus P. 2:26 Groovy Dance Royalty-Free Music Track by Marcus also featuring funky guitars, bass and a r...Ok Now Indie Box 2:56 Cool Retro Funk Royalty Free Music by Indie ...
Over 400 fans have voted on the 20+ people on Best Professional Chefs with YouTube Channels. Current Top 3: Gordon Ramsay, Alton Brown, John Mitzewich
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