国外频道整理出来的“变废为宝”居家妙招,看完只想说:要不咱还是别“变”了吧...[doge] (YTB:5MinuteCraft) http://t.cn/A6v11d2P
第三名:5-Minute Craft 这个比较独特,是个教生活小道具的频道,关注人数4600万。 画风是这样的,自制各种实用小道具,难得这种频道能这么高位。 第二名:T-series 又是印度的,这次是个音乐频道,基本印度流行啥音乐看这个就知道了,关注人数7900万(这个有故事后面要详说) ...
5-Minute Crafts is an incredibly successful YouTube channel and, like Hubspot, adopts minimalism into its banner design. It works, largely because the channel’s subdued design is made to look like a craft itself. Color and texture play big roles here, effectively branding 5-Minute Crafts. ...
NikkieTutorials: around $175k per month 9. DIY & Craft Craft and DIY are great ways to switch off your brain and use your hands, which is why these channels are so popular. Big YouTubers in this niche: 5-Minute Crafts: around $450k per month Blossom: around $65k a month 10. Ho...
5-Minute Craft, pertencente ao grupo TheSoul Publishing, também é um dos maiores canais do Youtube e traz vídeos com diversas dicas e curiosidades, tais como: truques para impressionar os seus amigos, como descascar frutas de maneira mais prática, dicas para pintar as unhas ou como fa...
There are several different types of Channel Names, including a person’s first and last name (Casey Neistat) and names that describe a channel’s overall topic (5-Minute Crafts).Why Is Your Channel Name Important?Your Channel Name appears on your videos, your channel page, and in YouTube...
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A 60-minute mix of songs from artists inducted to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame - 2024. This is a great look back to some amazing musicians over several decades! Spotify's annual WRAPPED is out for 2024 and this 45-minute mix is just a sample of the full 5+ hour TOP SONGS 2024 ...
15. Start 5 minute crafts YouTube channel If you want to make money on YouTube without showing your face, you can also create DIY content. You can share craft ideas and easy-to-follow tutorials, just like 5-Minute Crafts do. This channel already has 80.2M subscribers and estimated yearly...
I can't begin to explain how funny this guy is. I've probably seen Wow It's Made like 5 times, and I still laugh every time I watch it! Sinnedtragedy98 This guy is the best pooper I know because he has brilliant editing skills. Just watch some of ST98's videos. They are hilari...