Jacob + Katie Schwarz是非常厉害的摄影师,他们的频道虽然片子不多,但画质水准极高,连几大电视厂牌的DEMO也望尘莫及,这次先奉上几部片子的8k Vp9 WebM格式片段,其实从截图上可以看出,目前在youtube上选择8k分辨率时是没有HDR的,而且文件体积并没有比4K HDR版本大,所以这些8K视频仅仅是分辨率的提升,而且无法转码...
4K HDR视频拥有10bit位深,能够表现更多的明暗细节,基于BT2020色域能够保留更多的色彩细节,在高亮度显示设备上可以看到明亮的阳光感,这一切都令人着迷,我也好想能拍出哪样的视频。然而拍摄和制作4K HDR视频确不是一件容易的事情,远远超过1080P SDR视频对拍摄设备、非编主机性能和监看设备的需求。 我起初也对4k 60...
[Real 4K HDR Demo] Sony Mont Blanc in 2160p HDR10 _ YouTube HDR.mp4-转自YouTube 是在优酷播出的生活高清视频,于2020-03-09 23:17:59上线。视频内容简介:[Real 4K HDR Demo] Sony Mont Blanc in 2160p HDR10 _ YouTube HDR.mp4-转自YouTube
Starting this week, YouTube added the same 4K resolution option to Android devices that don't actually support it. If your smartphone has a Full HD or HD resolution display, you could theoretically watch 4K videos on YouTube. Now, that doesn't mean that the video you're watching is actua...
低端HDR显示器是不..低端HDR显示器是不是唬人的?找了youtube上的4k hdr视频来看,发现没比sdr观感好多少。但是开了hdr模式之后YouTube确实能识别出hdr给hdr选项,要不开就没有这个选项。对于桌面上
关于新闻版权联系我们创作者广告开发者条款隐私权政策与安全 youtube 的运作方式测试新功能 nfl sunday ticket © 2024 google llc
Hi guys sorry for my language because I'm not a native , I'm using iMac 2019 and suddenly YouTube enabled 4k HDR in google chrome the problem is that as far as I know iMac 2019 doesn't support HDR how can I turn off HDR in YouTube ? I think the picture quality is confusing ...
[debug] Sort order given by extractor: quality, res, fps, hdr:12, source, vcodec:vp9.2, channels, acodec, lang, proto [debug] Formats sorted by: hasvid, ie_pref, quality, res, fps, hdr:12(7), source, vcodec:vp9.2(10), channels, acodec, lang, proto, size, br, asr, vext, ...
在拍摄4K HDR视频时,需要使用高质量的传感器和摄像头,以确保视频的分辨率、色彩和动态范围。在本文中,我们将介绍如何使用LG V40拍摄10bit 4K HDR 30P视频,以及如何使用其手动视频和电影拍摄模式开启HDR10按钮。通过使用这些模式,您可以拍摄出具有更好高光细节、暗部细节和更宽色彩空间的视频。在制作和...
While HDR support is likely to be welcomed by users of those devices, the app continues to avoid providing any higher resolution options than 1080p, with 4K content displayed on the iPhones at a downsampled resolution. The problem is not only restricted to iPhones, as iPads ...