403对某些YouTube URLs禁用是指在访问某些特定的YouTube链接时,服务器返回403 Forbidden错误,禁止用户访问该链接。这通常是由于版权保护、地理限制或内容审查等原因导致的。 403 Forbidden错误是HTTP状态码之一,表示服务器理解请求,但拒绝执行该请求。对于某些YouTube链接的禁用可能是出于以下原因: 版权保护:某些视频内容受...
('format') or format_id or num) except ExtractorError as ee: if isinstance(ee.cause, compat_HTTPError) and ee.cause.code == 404: error = (self._parse_json( ee.cause.read().decode(), video_id, fatal=False) or {}).get('errorstring') if error: raise ExtractorError(er...
uid=', 'only_matching': True, } ] _ERRORS = { 101: 'We\'re sorry, but this video is not yet available.', 403: 'We\'re sorry, but this video is not available in your region due to right restrictions.', 404: 'We are experiencing technical difficulties that are ...
One was youtube, and one is Reddit/4chan. I’ll let you figure out which is which. JointhePredacons says: 7 November, 2013 at 9:52 am Im sure the people that begged Google to implement a comment control feature far outnumber anyone that will complain about it. Its not even that ...
,直接下载视频文件;如果是来自其他网站的视频链接,使用第三方工具或API,获取视频文件或链接 // 这里省略具体的下载或获取视频的代码,读者可以根据自己的需要...> { // 如果请求失败,打印错误信息console.error(error) })结语本文介绍了如何使用JavaScript和Axios这两个工具,实现一个网络爬虫的实战项目,即从...
reddit.py redtube.py regiotv.py rentv.py restudy.py reuters.py reverbnation.py revision3.py rice.py rmcdecouverte.py ro220.py rockstargames.py roosterteeth.py rottentomatoes.py roxwel.py rozhlas.py rtbf.py rte.py rtl2.py rtlnl.py rtp.py rts.py rtve.py rtvnh.py rtvs...