2022. “Robots, Artificial Intelligence, and Service Automation (RAISA) in Hospitality: Sentiment Analysis of YouTube Streaming Data.” Electronic Markets 32 (1): 259–275. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12525-021-00514-y. (Open in a new window)Web of Science ®(Open in a new window)...
However, comments made on local organic videos had a higher rank for positive valence in comparison with comments made on organic videos (Table 8). Table 8. Nonparametric test: sentiment valence of comments made on the videos. Valence and groupMean rankSum of ranksZ P Positive valence 2.159...
subscribers can see videos irrelevant to their interests, which hurts both the influencer (jeopardizing a follower’s trust) and the brand (triggering negative sentiment). On the contrary
In this paper we target this phenomenon and introduce the first dataset created from closed captions of YouTube product review videos as well as a new attention-RNN model for aspect extraction and joint aspect extraction and sentiment classification. Our model provides state-of-the-art performance ...
We used NLTK Vader as our sentiment analyzer. It seemed to have better performance than other libraries such as textblob and fasttext. LD Score: Likes / (Likes + Dislikes) LD Score OHE: Converting decimal LD Score to categorical -1 (negative), 0 (neutral), and 1 (positive). View_Like ...
of the most popular YouTube (www.youtube.com; Google, San Bruno, Calif) orthodontic patient testimonials between braces, in-office aligners (IOA), and direct-to-consumer aligners (DTCA), and (2) classify the emotional response of the viewers through sentiment analysis of the video comments....
Iterative and recursive implementation and comparison of binary search. Python's Bisect Method We cover the "bisect" function in Python, and how this can be used to apply to problems requiring binary search. Cyclic Sorted Array We use binary search to determine the first element of a sorted cy...
M. Kundi, Sentiment analysis on youtube: A brief survey, arXiv preprint arXiv:1511.09142 (2015). Google Scholar 6 T. C. Alberto, J. V. Lochter, T. A. Almeida, Tubespam: Comment spam filtering on youtube, 2015 IEEE 14th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (...
A different platform (e.g., YouTube) may have elicited different results as it has been noted that Twitter is an environment that can produce negative sentiment (Dyson and Gorvin, 2017; Thelwall et al., 2011). This negativity was evident in a study by O'Dea et al. (2018) who found...
A similar sentiment appears in another top comment that states, “maybe they made shanghai disneyland [sic] so they don’t have to go abroad and ruin other disneylands [sic] for all of us,” with the second “they” being Chinese tourists. This by no means is the perspective of all...