Ask the players to perform passing drills. One example is the three-man weave. Have players line up at midfield in three groups -- left, center and right. The player in the middle starts with the soccer ball and passes it to the player on the right. The player in the center then run...
. Body mass and PBF were estimated using a direct segmental high-frequency bioelectrical impedance scale (InBody 720; Biospace Co., Ltd., Seoul, Republic of Korea). Prior to testing of lower-body power (CMJ and DJ), players were instructed to complete a standard warm-up consisting of ...
The performance of volleyball players is related to their ability to produce explosive actions in attack and block situations, as the goal of the game is to make the ball cross the 2.43 m net (for males) and hit the ground, while maintaining control of balance [1,2]. For instance, in ...