And when a far-right, self-styled prince was planning to storm the Bundestag by Christmas in 2022 and install a new Reich, he counted the judge and former AfD Bundestag member Birgit Malsack-Winkemann as his loyal supporter, who was to become justice minister after the coup, investigators s...
The administrations of these educational institutions were also required to purchase manuals on the basics of shooting, dummies of the Kalashnikov assault rifle and the upgraded Kalashnikov assault rifle, and fifteen copies each of the Constitution, of the law “On Military Duty and Military Service,...
legal profession have made it their business to eliminate the word and concept of “desertion” from all family law proceedings. I sat in with a member of Tréigthe – our Deserted Spouses & Marriage Reconciliation Self-Help Group – when he went to discuss with his solicitor what he could...
structure and retirement benefits. The higher education rate has increased significantly in recent decades, leading to a higher number of graduates. However, high-skilled unemployment is around 5%. The constitution requires positive actions, like quotas, to help marginalized groups including r...
The Slovak and Austrian case studies both focus on the self-organisation of teachers in the adult education sector. Two sub-sectors were chosen: career counselling in Slovakia and adult basic education, including the provision of German as a second language, in Austria. The Slovak case describes...
Drinking English Breakfast tea with a spot of cream after reading the Declaration of Independence. It has long been my habit to begin this day by reading the Declaration of Independence and the Preamble of the Constitution of the United States (though I have been known to get caught up in ...
经历了‘513事件’后,英国殖民主义者为了安抚新加坡人民的反殖民统治日益高涨的不满情绪,于1954年2月出台了《林德宪制》(Rendel Constitution)。终于允许人民在《公安法令》的白色恐怖阴影龙笼罩下允许注册组织成立合法政党、社团和工会,同时,因此人民被允许进行有限度的政治活动了。
Scientists like myself merely use their gifts to show up that which already exists, and we look small compared to the artists who create works of beauty out of themselves. If a good fairy came and offered me back my youth, asking me which gifts I would rather have, those to make ...
With a remarkable degree of self-possession — and courage, given the threats of imprisonment or death that royal critics face — they are questioning everything they have been taught in school. Their anthem is “Do You Hear the People Sing?” from the musicalLes Misérables, which has the ...
Declaration of Independence and Constitution in which the “pursuit of happiness” was a motivating force. His focus on living a virtuous life was also a source of inspiration for the development of public education in America. It is critical therefore to unwrap what Aristotle meant by happiness ...