Data were analyzed from the 2007 state Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS), a school-based questionnaire survey of 9th–12th-grade students, in eight states: Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, New Mexico, North Dakota, Utah, and Vermont. Each of these states included an additional question in...
The scales were significantly and strongly correlated with the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) subscales (somatic, withdrawal, anxiety) as well as CBCL internalizing scores. Fit statistics suggested marginal to adequate fit for the six-factor model for the Chinese youth. The present study provides ...
The results proved a statistically significant and positive link between Interparental Conflict and the young generation's Aggressive Behavior. Additionally, we found that this relationship was moderated by the Interparental Conflict Scale, the Reporter of Interparental Conflict Scale, and the year of ...
Social competence refers to the ability to engage in meaningful interactions with others, whereas self-regulation is the ability to control one’s emotions, behavior, and impulses, to balance between reactivity and control of the reaction, and to adjust to the prevailing environment. The importance...
Adventure therapy is one such option to address at-risk teenagers’ mental health problems (Schell, Cotton, & Luxmoore, 2012; Tucker, Javorski, Tracy, & Beale, 2012). 1.1. Adventure therapy Adventure therapy uses experiential learning activities in outdoor environments for assessment and ...
S. (2000). Age and gender differences in oppositional behavior and conduct problems: A cross-sectional household study of middle childhood and adolescence. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 109(3), 488–503. Article PubMed Google Scholar Lannin, D...
Externalizing behaviors in childhood often predict impulse control disorders in adulthood; however, the underlying bio-behavioral risk factors are incompletely understood. In animals, the propensity to sign-track, or the degree to which incentive motivat
child behavior Sorry, something went wrong. Please try again and make sure cookies are enabledReferences 1 H.N. Ginsberg, P.R. MacCallum The obesity, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes mellitus pandemic: part I. Increased cardiovascular disease risk and the importance of atherogenic dyslipidem...
also associated with blunted parasympathetic nervous system activity (i.e. less vagal withdrawal than average). In sum, emotional abuse is a potent risk factor for youth internalizing symptoms, and this link may be mediated via dysregulation in physiological stress response systems. Primary prevention...
However, there were also unexpected effects (enhanced self-reported stress vulnerability and hiding of emotions, as well as reduced parent-reportedsocial participation and prosocial behavior). Effects were small, quite robust when controlling for covariates, and not consistent across informants and SB...