Bad Youth Pastors oil the squeaky wheel. Youth workers are required to do A LOT. I fight tooth and nail that we have one of the most difficult jobs in the church! While people hate the implications of what I’m about to say, logistically it holds true: The youth ministry is a church...
“At 2:15 in the morning I heard a knock on my door. It freaked me out because my husband was away on a camping trip and I was home alone with my kids. My phone was on silent and I picked up and saw that the pastors at Waypoint. Matthew and Amanda (Anderson), were calling me...
As youth pastors, we know summer can be one of the busiest times of the year. Between camps, mission trips, and events, getting lost in the hustle and bustle is easy. Taking time for a self-check-in is essential to stay healthy, spiritually nourished, and effective in your ministry. Y...
The biggest change came the day he heard Pastor Alan talk about what Christ’s sacrifice meant. It not only showed God’s love for us, but it was proof that each of our lives have purpose. Trusting in that love and believing for the first time that his life truly did have purpose, ...
As an antidote to what some might see as a lapse into ahistorical sentimentality from an avowed irreconcilable atheist – my previous post, Bah Humbug– I recommend viewing this powerful video or reading the transcript of the pastor’s sermon. His impassioned call transcends religious and secular...
understanding, much [of] those displays only really felt like they were doing it to help their image, instead of just doing it out of pure support and the support groups, since the location was plastered around, the homophobic guys tended to lurk near the room and just point and laugh, ...