Any failure to provide appropriate opportunities for this large segment of the population could have enormous economic, political, cultural, and social consequences. Engaging the youth population fully is therefore no longer a choice but an imperative in the development process. This work advocates for...
BEIJING, Aug. 31 (Xinhua) -- With a sparkle in his eyes, Edwin Mwenda said moving to China four years ago was "one of the best decisions I have made in life." Kenya-born Mwenda decided to come to China from Britain where he grew up and held a decent job. His decision baffled his...
Joseph Macharia, who runs Mkulima Young, a social enterprise farmers' site, said there are great opportunities in online agribusiness for young people who don't want to soil their hands on the farms. "There are entrepreneurial online opportunities across the agriculture value chain. All one needs...
Wambui was among hundreds of young people who attended a joint career fair in Nairobi on Monday organized by a consortium of Chinese companies operating in Kenya with the aim of showcasing opportunities that were up for grabs. She was in high spirits after visiting the stand of Power Constructi...
The project seeks to contribute to the economic empowerment of women enterprises, their suppliers, and producers along key supply chains where women are discriminated against in the Blue Economy in Kenya.
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program, United States International University – Africa, P. O. Box 14634 – 00800, Nairobi – Kenya. Application Deadline:November 24, 2023 Application ClosedOfficial link For Further Queries For further queries please contact at - Email:
Dev. Change 48 (6), 1310-1335. 10.1111/dech.12342.Mwaura, G.M. (2017) Just Farming? Neoliberal Subjectivities and Agricultural Livelihoods among Educated Youth in Kenya: Agricultural Livelihoods among Educated Youth in Kenya. Development and Change, 48, pp. 1310-1335....
Purpose: To examine the timing and circumstances of first sex among urban female and male youth in Kenya, Nigeria, and Senegal.Methods: Recently collected data are used to examine youth sexual behaviors in Kenya, Nigeria, and Senegal. In each country, a large, representative sample of women (...
Employment is driven by the informal sector. One way the government can boost productivity in this sector is by simplifying tax procedures so as to rope the informal businesses into the tax base. Education levels and their impact on youth access to opportunities and jobs also play a part...
Thousands of Kenyan youth who have participated in the national Huawei ICT competition have gained invaluable skills besides positioning themselves to grab opportunities in the emerging digital economy. Jerome Ochieng, the principal secretary in the Ministry of ICT, Innovation and Youth Affairs, said tha...