Youth Ministry Stage Design Ideas This design is from the student ministry at FBC Loganville in Loganville, GA. The design was made with PVC pipes cut into 4, 6, 8 foot pieces (started with 12 foot PVC pipes). The pipes were hung from the ceiling with fishing string. LED lights are sh...
The best ideas in youth ministry to help you develop as a youth pastor and crush your weekly youth group program.
Youth Ministry Council pools ideas [Annual meeting]Duerksen, Carol
The best ideas in youth ministry to help you develop as a youth pastor and crush your weekly youth group program.
Youth Ministry Ideas January 24, 2009Leave a comment Like you, I often take a look around the net for other websites that might have something I can use in in my own Youth Ministry. Recently while researching for ideas related to doing a “Survivor” type event for youth I came across ...
3Revival Concert Bring in a young Christian band or musical performer to hold a single-night revival event. Groups hired for this purpose coordinate their performance to speak to the hearts and minds of youth. The performers may share their testimony during the concert and encourage those who ha...
Shop All Know It All Trivia Event By Tyler Ash Claude Monet or Child's Play? - Volume 2 By Alexis Griffin Useless Trivia Round Seven By Matthew McNutt Good Cookie Bad Cookie By Griffin Swihart Prepare For Easter Shop All Empty By Elliott Gregory ...
I struggle with fellowship in student ministry. Don’t get me wrong; fellowship takes place at almost every event and gathering. But I struggle with fellowship when it’sjustfellowship for thesakeof fellowship. I know this sounds crazy, because most people outside of student ministry just assum...
Erik w/a "k" is a certified youth ministry coach who also speaks at camps, conferences, retreats, etc.
Youth Ministry Games gives teens and pre-teens a chance to belong to a group that wants to have fun, and is also interested in building faith, and a relationship with Jesus Christ.