Dec 19 - Tyngsboro - Girls Draw and Shooting Clinic Dec 30 - Norfolk - Girls Skills, Drills & Scrimmage Clinic Jan 2 - Taunton - Girls Skills, Drills & Scrimmage Clinic Jan 19 - Norton - Girls Skills Clinic with Wheaton College Women's Lacrosse Feb 17 - Worcester - Girls Skills Clinic...
A strong lacrosse player is a good team player, excels at individual stick skills, and has strong character. At our Massachusetts LAX camps, we focus on all of this, and more. While we have an abundance of both individual and team drills and lessons that teach positional play, team strat...
Check out the TeamSnap Community for youth sports skills, drills & tips plus a ton of helpful content for players, parents, coaches & more!
FunLacrosseDrillsforYouthPlayers CatchingandThrowing UltimateLacrosse(likeultimateFrisbee) 1.2teamsofevennumberofplayersand1ball.Conesifneeded 2.Purpose-tomovetheballasateamacrossthefieldwithoutdroppingittotheother sidetoscorepoints 3.Rules a.Createafieldbigenoughforthenumberofplayerswith2endzones b.Bothteams...
The lacrosse goal is easy to set up and can be effortlessly moved across various terrains. It's perfect for beginners, intermediate, and advanced players for lacrosse practice, lacrosse shooting drills, and other recreational play. Easy to Assemble This portable lacrosse net is e...
Especially if your child plays a team sport (football, lacrosse, etc.), the success of your child is largely dependent on the whole team! After all, a quarterback can’t score any touchdowns if they don’t have a team of receivers, right? A goalie can make amazing saves, but they ...
Especially if your child plays a team sport (football, lacrosse, etc.), the success of your child is largely dependent on the whole team! After all, a quarterback can’t score any touchdowns if they don’t have a team of receivers, right? A goalie can make amazing saves, but they ...
Youth basketball players need to learn and practice the fundamentals of the game, including ball handling, defense, passing and shooting, to have success and prepare for the next level. Incorporating these drills into every practice session will help your players improve. Conduct drills that involve...
The i9 Sports Pee Wee soccer programs for kids are designed specifically for the preschool and early elementary age group. Soccer drills are presented in a fun format designed specifically to capture the short attention spans of kids at this age. At this age, building confidence in something new...