Fiction" category. Truly lessons for youth groups, particularly on the value of prayer and the importance of forgiveness, are included in this retelling the first 325 years of the Christian Faith as if it occurred on another planet. See how it is the same yet different in a parallel ...
Forgiving simply means you grant them the room to choose to do better, think better and be better though still condemning their actions and set you own mind free to move on. we all need mercy and forgiveness at times, wouldn't you agree. By forgiving them we set ourselves free to end...
Over 1K filmgoers have voted on the 80+ films on Best Movies To Show A Church Youth Group. Current Top 3: The Forge, The Chronicles of Narnia Franchise, The ...
Lost & Found will help your students see that we all experience separation from God because of our sins. But the fantastic news is that our Father stands ready to extend forgiveness and welcome home the lost. And it doesn’t stop there. When students give their lives to Christ, they find...
If the song is great your students will probably continue singing and humming it when they are on the wrong away from youth group. You should also ask your students what songs they think would be appropriate and good for the group to incorporate as youth worship songs to sing. When you ...
The movie offers valuable lessons about obedience, repentance, and compassion, making it an engaging choice for younger members of a church youth group. The film creates opportunities for discussing the importance of listening to divine guidance and embracing the power of forgiveness. Released: 20...
Failures are not fatal. Youth make mistakes. We all do. It’s not making the mistake that is important, but learning from the mistakes we make. God has forgiven those mistakes and even the willful choices. Forgiveness is there for the asking. When youth fall, they need to get up, grab...
There is a lot of calm and freedom in acceptance and forgiveness and during the process, a huge load is lifted and allows them to move forward. We offer four different sessions dedicated to achieving this and most of our clients make the biggest changes after the first one. ...
The Jesus Studiescut through the confusion, teaching your students a Christ-centered look at the major issues they deal with in their lives. These lessons are not watered-down, topical Bible studies. This studies reveal how Jesus weighs in on the very issues your students are confronted with ...
Sprinkled afresh with pardoning blood, I lay me down to rest, As in the embraces of my God, Or on my Saviour’s breast. Download the Handout directly from the link below to share with your group: