Sub Saharan Africa studies Youth Empowerment in HIV/AIDS Intervention in Zambia| The Role of Grassroots NGOs STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK AT BUFFALO Barbara Wejnert MukupaGrace ChobelaHIV/AIDS drastically affects Africa's youth. As there is no cure for the disease, education and prevention ...
He said Zambia, as well as the rest of the African continent, was blessed with a high population of young people below the age of 30, who should be trained in high-tech jobs. "The over 50 years of bilateral relationships between China and Zambia should be of benefit to both countries,"...
Youth entrepreneurship: Meeting the key policy challenges Executive Summary In recent years, the promotion of entrepreneurship as a possible source of job creation, empowerment and economic dynamism in a rapidly globalising world has attracted increasing policy and scholarly attention. However,... F ...
Indigenous economic empowerment policyEconomyNo properly defined targets and not inclusive of youthsZimbabwe Agricultural policyAgricultureAll the SADC countries Land reform policyAgricultureSouth Africa, Zimbabwe There are missing linkages that are common among all the countries in southern Africa and need to...
in sub-Saharan Africa are not particularly interested in agriculture. However, policy discourse on youth in agriculture often situates their aspirations as either full-time farming or non-farming, thus either supporting or opposing one or the other of the two paradigms, while neglecting the shades...
After all, one empowered girl is a huge leap towards the emergence of a better world.” Of key significance, in terms of our contribution to the empowerment of young people and the creation of safe spaces for them, is our virtual extrapreneurship hub. This platform goes beyond providing a...
While examples of youth-led ECCE programs are limited [27], a few key examples can be found in LMICs, including the Gandhi Fellowship program in western India [28] and the Early Childhood Development (ECD)-practitioner training track of the Economic Empowerment of Adolescent Girls and Young ...
ThePowerof1.8Billion:Adolescents,YouthandtheTransformationoftheFuture SUB-SAHARANAFRICA AbouttheReport The2014StateoftheWorldPopulationReport,ThePowerof1.8Billion:Adolescents,Youthandthe TransformationoftheFuture,discussestheenormouspotentialforeconomicgrowthandsocialdevelopmentin countrieswithlargeyouthpopulations,giventhe...
Lastly, Section 3.5 reports on the government strategies and programmes related to youth participation and empowerment in agriculture and the proposed policy interventions and priority areas are outlined in Section 3.6. 3. Results 3.1. Literature Search Results The PRISMA flowchart (see Figure 2) and...
Rural Youth Empowerment and Participation in Integrated Farmers Scheme in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. J. Commun. Commun. Res. 2019, 4, 182–191. [Google Scholar] Holmes, C.W. The Effects of Unemployment on Black Youth in Gauteng, South Africa. Ph.D. Thesis, Howard University, Washington, ...