Crimmins SM Child Maltreatment, Drugs and Crime Among Male Offenders:Final Report to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, Grant No. R01 DA08893 New York, NY National Development and Research InstitutesInc1999; 19. Duclos CWBeals JNovins DKMartin CJewett CSManson SM Prevalence of common psychi...
Australian Bureau of Statistics (2018). Household use of information technology, Australia, cat no. 8146.0. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2018). Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adolescent and youth hea...
Why the White-guilt soaked, plaintively compromising disclaimer?Miscegenation is a crime.It must be met with unequivocal moral condemnation, as well as lawful punishment. Indeed, miscegenation is the only crime causing perpetual injury which does not end with the victim’s death, but only with tot...