welfare or other public benefits to DACA-eligible youth. Gov. Pete Ricketts continued the stand. But a broad coalition of rural and urban Nebraskans spanning party lines and ages, along with faith, law enforcement and business leaders – the Bible, Badge...
If you can’t read your Bible without preparing a lesson, maybe you need to try listening to worship music. If you have difficulty praying without thinking about reaching out to a student, maybe you should go on a hike without your phone. It’s tough when so much of our job is connect...
Pro Tip:Keep a flexible mindset. Ministry is dynamic, and sometimes plans need to change. Be open to where God is leading, even if it’s different from your initial plan. Taking time for a summer check-in can rejuvenate your spirit, mind, and body, enabling you to serve more effectively...
Our “Destined to Win” series is a great follow up for youth who are new Christians or to emphasize the basics of our spiritual Journey in the Faith. This Bible Study / Camp Curriculum / Small Group Study has a sports theme and is great for athletes and works well as a tie in to w...
This Bible object lesson uses a MAGNIFYING GLASS and/or binoculars to demonstrate how when we "Zoom In" on God, it not only brings us peace and encouragement, but also helps others see how BIG and wonderful He is! Two object talks using MATH! The first uses corresponding numbers with ...
It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God. Learn More… Go for the Gold Need an evangelistic Youth Camp/ Bible Study Series with an Olympic Theme? What is salvation all about? What ...
My building plans… 1. Is my life the same on the outside as everyone else’s, but without a foundation? The foundation, my reason for living, right now is: I need to make Christ the foundation of my life by: 2. What areas of my life am I not building on the foundation of Chri...