Set against the backdrop of the 1924 Olympics, this inspiring true story follows two British athletes driven by their faith and convictions. The film highlights the importance of standing firm in one's beliefs, perseverance, and the power of unity in overcoming personal and societal obstacles...
While square dancing is a popular pastime for seniors across much of China, in the southwestern Xizang autonomous region, young people are fervently embracing their heritage, amidst the stunning backdrop of traditional Tibetan folk dance, Guozhuang. For 18-year-old Kunzang Wangdu, sharing his pass...
Royalty-free Stock Footage Clips Footage Filters 1 Sort By: Most Relevant 27,525 results found for youth young peopleyoungindian youthboyeducationyouthsteensmoneychurchfamily Media Type All Footage Backgrounds Templates Resolution HD 4K Frame Rate 23.98 / 24 25 29.97 / 30 50 59.54 / 60 Duration ...
Not only language practices, but also dress could be stigmatized and sustained the subordination of individuals from rural backgrounds. The negative representations of rural Quechua speakers in schools and society also informed how their peers attached other essentialist traits to students with high altitu...
The group’s tour began in Zurich where they explored its cultural delights amidst the backdrop of the annual Zurich Spring Festival which included music, boat races, fireworks, and parades. The day was filled with admiration for the city’s stunning architecture, churches, and monuments. The ...
One of the major challenges was that this work was created very site-specific to the performance venue, and incorporates the backdrop of the Stanley Promenade ocean view into the piece, so the dancer-choreographers had to use their imagination a lot in devising the work! For example, we wo...
Who are the religious Nones, given their representation as both a minority and a majority group within the religious landscape? This article presents findings from a comparative study of Italian and Uruguayan youth (n = 2047, with 844 Nones), focusing on sociodemographic profiles of “Nones”,...
The aim of this research study is to explore the multifaceted relationship between sociopolitical development and the motivations and challenges faced by Black youth participating in activism, particularly against the backdrop of significant sociopolitical events such as the Summer of 2020. This period, ...
The recently aired TV dramaShooting Stars, showcased on Hunan Satellite TV and the video-sharing platform Mango TV, delves into the compelling narrative of how a group of young individuals from diverse backgrounds gradually embraced communist beliefs during the 1930s, amid the backdrop of Chinese ...
Set against a serene gray backdrop, a leaf-shaped cross symbolizes the group's strong connection to both the church and the natural world. This logo represents the group's commitment to religious values, as it incorporates elements such as the cross, chapel, preacher, and pastor. It also ...