英语翻译Username you have chosen contains invalid characters.Usernames can only contain A-Z,a-z,0-9 and -,and cannot start or end with -.Please,do not forget to retype your password before submitting.这两句.
15 // Retrieve the username and password from the request 16 const { username, password } = event; 17 // Prepare a new Twilio response 18 const response = new Twilio.Response(); 19 20 // If the provided credentials are invalid, return 401 Unauthorized. 21 // In a real app ...
Account recovery: Here's what you can do: - Go to the Microsoft account recovery page:Konto wiederherstellen (live.com) - Enter your email adress - Enter your email contact address (the one you have access to) and enter those characters you see on the screen. Click "Next." - You'll ...
Insights work almost like any other connections, but theInsighttype contains a list ofJsonObject. The reason for this unusual approach is the dynamic nature of the different insights. They returned values are not all of the same structure and not defined in the Graph API reference. To fetch s...
public class RegisterModel { [Display(Name = "User name")] public string UserName { get; set; } [Display(Name = "Email address")] public string EmailAddress { get; set; } [Display(Name = "Confirm password")] public string ConfirmPassword { get; set; } } with: public class Register...
username , // Registered user. macaddr, // MAC address of the network adapter. } // Here are two methods to verify the key. // 1. Special decryptor that can verify the key and recover encrypted data. using(ActivationKeyDecryptor decryptor = key.CreateDecryptor(environment)) { if(decryptor...
In the Username and Password fields, enter the username and password. Step 7 In the Port field, enter the port number. Step 8 (Optional) Click Validate next to Credentials. Cisco DNA Center validates the device cred...
Account recovery: Here's what you can do: - Go to the Microsoft account recovery page:Konto wiederherstellen (live.com) - Enter your email adress - Enter your email contact address (the one you have access to) and enter those characters you see on the screen. Click "Next." ...
(UserName.Text, Password.Text) Then ' if ok, save the cookie FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(UserName.Text, _ Persistent.Checked) ' redirect to Default.aspx Response.Redirect("Default.aspx", True) Else ' if wrong credentials, show the error message InvalidLogin.Visible = True End If End Sub...
CLI username CLI password CLI enable password CLI timeout value CSV File Export Cisco DNA Center enables you to create a CSV file that contains all or selected devices in the inventory. When you create this file, ...