The Your Turn to Die Wiki is an online encyclopedic database for everything about the free online game, ''Kimi ga Shine ―Tasuketsu Death Game―'' (キミガシネ ―多数決デスゲーム―) or ''Your Turn to Die ―Death Game By Majority―'', created by Nankidai
Your Turn to Die Wiki ist eine Community, zu der jeder beitragen kann. Schau dich um und füge dein Wissen hinzu! Richtlinien Hilf uns dabei, Your Turn to Die Wiki weiter auszubauen 1768 Bearbeitungen 48 Seiten Community-Seite Your Turn to Die Wiki erkunden Kimi Ga Shine: Tasuk… Sara...
↑vgperson (June 7, 2019).Your Turn To Die Translation Notes(website). Retrieved on July 29, 2019. ↑Tea Party Project (September 20, 2019).Notas de Tradução (Your Turn to Die)(website). Retrieved on September 20, 2019.
↑Chapter 3, Part One, Section B.Your Turn to Die ―Death Game By Majority―(キミガシネ ―多数決デスゲーム―) byNankidai. May 30, 2021.,Gin's memories; "I don't really get all the details, but... I have this sorta condition called autism, meow... [...] If I don't wear...
Keiji's anger often overtakes his common sense, as when he takes Midori's bait and tries to tag him in the cemetery or crudely mocks Sou by telling him "it's his turn to die," referring to Sou's words to Sara in the First Main Game. Keiji can be unforgiving and revengeful, ...
↑Chapter 2, Part One.Your Turn to Die ―Death Game By Majority―(キミガシネ ―多数決デスゲーム―) byNankidai. August 7, 2018.Day 3 Morning GIN: "Even big sis Nao's not good, meow... / I gotta do something... Why're the only cheerful ones the girly murderer and the loner...
↑Chapter 1, Part One.Your Turn to Die ―Death Game By Majority―(キミガシネ ―多数決デスゲーム―) byNankidai. August 28, 2017. "Some days I think that I don’t show enough gratitude to my parents, but… / They just spoil me so much… Man… I’ve gotta become independent alre...
Joe and Gin love games, so if I were to be friends with them, they might always hang out together with me! It’d also be fun if they were to invite, say, Reko and see what reaction she’d have! Is there any character you wish won’t (didn’t) die?I want to have the ...
↑Chapter 1, Part One.Your Turn to Die ―Death Game By Majority―(キミガシネ ―多数決デスゲーム―) byNankidai. August 28, 2017. ↑Chapter 2, Part One.Your Turn to Die ―Death Game By Majority―(キミガシネ ―多数決デスゲーム―) byNankidai. August 7, 2018. ...
NameAnzu Kinashi Other Names木梨 杏子 Wealth75 RoleSupporting FromYour Turn to Die -Death Game by Majority- Media Typevisual novel Voiced By Tagshair intakes,knee highs,hood,multicolour hair,collar Personality Menu Day 1Character of the Daynominations ...