Photography Articles Photography content on tech, business, strategy, jobs, and more. Browse the Blog Photography Glossary Don’t yet know the lingo? Check out the glossary page for the details. Browse the Glossary Photography Resources Recommendations on gear, services, education, workflows, and mo...
Photographers can turn a hobby into a lucrative business with these great tips on how to set up a studio, build a portfolio, take great pictures, purchase the best equipment, find paying jobs, set pricing and more. Davis also discu...
Start your own photography business, learn how to effectively use reflectors and scrims, find beautiful light for natural light portrait photography, and more! Also tips on running a wedding, portrait or other types of photography businesses....
By taking the time to figure out the legal requirements for your photography business, you can ensure that your business is up and running smoothly from the start. 2. Get your business registered with the state and local government If you want to start your own photography business, there are...
The ultimate guide when looking to start your own photography business. Learn how to choose the right equipment, simple marketing tactics, and so much more.
Create your own Pinterest business account today Pinterest is a great platform for increasing sales and traffic for your business—you just need to know how to create and use your Pinterest business account effectively. Take heed of all the tips we included throughout this post, then be sure ...
In most courses and programs, you’re thrown into the deep end to figure things out on your own. But we do things differently here. At the Photography Business Institute, you will be coached by our team of seasoned photography business owners in a safe, online space for open learning and...
Use just a few select digital photography tips and the right camera equipment, mix in your own unique talents, and take truly great photos. It really is a magical time to be interested in digital photography. digital photography tips for using your camera ...
Whatsmore you can get creative and develop your own filters with My Filters* on your flagship Galaxy phone. If you’re having trouble finding the right filter for your latest epic photo, why not create your own! You can reproduce the colours and styles of your favourite photos and apply th...
Just like when you first started photography, practice and consistency is the key to seeing improvement. Gerson shared, “Even if you don't post every day on your Feed, post several times a day on your Stories. It keeps people seeing your name and face—or your business logo—and you ca...