‘The legal clashes over President Trump’s blizzard of executive actions are intensifying, with new lawsuits and fresh rulings emerging day and night. As of Feb. 12, 18 of those rulings have at least temporarily paused some of the president’s initiatives. Already, the administration has aske...
When you get a cool idea for a writing project, it's tempting to just dive in and start writing. But whether you're writing a novel, an essay, a book, or even a screenplay, you will save yourself time and end up with a better piece if you create a solid premise before you put ...
Chief Justice John Roberts and his band of enablers saw to that last summer in Tr*mp v. United States, when they effectively anointed (Republican) presidents elected kings. Tr*mp’s freedom of action is not absolute, however. His bid to become a dictator will run up against some serious ...
LikeSgt. Pepper’s Bandmy imaginary Nick gave me the freedom to explore new horizons and find new spiritual insights. One thing I learned in the 30-plus years since that first novel in 1994: There is nomagic formula. Nick has suffered heartbreak way more often than not, but there have ...
Both his research and communications efforts make him, in my opinion, one of the most visionary and important people of the 20th century. He’s the author of the novel that inspired one of my favorite science-fiction films, 1997’s Contact. The film, released about 18 months after his ...
So, it’s not for everyone, the realm of literary fiction. Oscar Wilde’s criterion for art was that it should aspire to uselessness, making the novel a hard sell in a world of facility and self-interest; they are, after all, just perishable sheafs of paper, printed by strangers for...
That’s how you get quality outcomes. Share this: Twitter Facebook Loading... When 3 Things Converge… Featured Posted by threeresolutionsguy in General ≈ Comments Off on When 3 Things Converge… Tags "time management", character, competence, covey, leadership, service, seven habits, ...
Because in the research they found that people who got the urine through tubes in their stomach got no benefits. People who rinsed out their mouths after drinking the urine got no benefits. The idea, per him, is to let the back of the throat sense what is in the urine, and that makes...
No government in the world kills its people, unless it's led by a crazy person. —Bashar al-Assad 144 If we learn to open our hearts, anyone, including the people who drive us crazy, can be our teacher. —Pema Chodron 139 We all agree that forgiveness is a beautiful idea until we ...
When you get a cool idea for a writing project, it's tempting to just dive in and start writing. But whether you're writing a novel, an essay, a book, or even a screenplay, you will save yourself time and end up with a better piece if you create a solid premise before you put ...