Create a meme with your own picture using Meme Generator by It Memes. No watermark, easy drag-and-drop interface, and a huge selection of pre-built templates.
None in the Last 5 years. Fact-checkers use them as a resource. Overall, we rate Know Your Meme Least Biased based on minimal political editorializing. We also rate them High for factual reporting based on being a resource for fact-checkers investigating the origins of memes and other viral...
Man demands brother feed his picky-eater children before family dinners after they refuse every meal, constantly insult his wife: ‘I told him we weren’t running a short-order kitchen and that my wife puts effort into these meals. He ended up not coming’ ...
as shared on the wonderfully popular‘Wholesome Memes’Twitter page. Check out the best ones today and remember to upvote your faves. [Warning, side-effects may include: feelings of happiness and unbridled joy, the return of childlike wonder, a desire to be kind to others, and a sudden...
First and very importantly I want to make all of you aware of this site: Glorious Meme Commissar of Proletariat. It is run by a friend of this blog, and collects some great ones. These first few memes come from that. (And we refuse to explain the one abo
–Not doing her duty as VP and evoking the 25th amendment even when no one could no longer deny Biden was a mush melon. –After years of unjustly giving extensive prison sentences for non-violent marijuana possession. I’ll toss you a couple of nice ones, from the goodness of my heart ...
3– they are not greedy for money (this is the best thing), very genuine pricing plans for professionals. Vishal Kukreti is an awesome video-making site. I really love this all-in-one site for creating videos and all of its awesome features! There’s so much you can do...
And you know what else is great? This totally relatable and funnyboyfriend memecollection. Scroll down to see why! Boyfriend Why Are You Neglecting Me Pin It My Boyfriend Not Allowed To Eat Cheerios Pin It How I Think I Look When I’m Angry ...
Laugh and also for the love brush your teeth. Like this good morning kiss meme states, morning breath not good for that first kiss of the day. When you want kisses but the only kisses that you are getting is Hershey kisses. While this isn’t in our collection ofwork memes– it might...
Not Sure If Legitimately Feel Sad Pin It I Know You Say It’s PMS Pin It Me And All My Period Personalities Pin It Relationships During PMS Pin It PMS Pin It Never Take Away A Woman’s Chocolates Pin It Remember to pick your favorite PMS meme and share it with your family and friend...