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When running jackett behind a reverse proxy make sure that the original hostname of the request is passed to Jackett. If HTTPS is used also set the X-Forwarded-Proto header to "https". Don't forget to adjust the "Base path override" Jackett option accordingly. ...
query courseCategory($id: ID!) { courseCategory(id: $id) { id name url subcategories { ...CourseSubCategoryFragment } } } Variables {"id": 4} Response { "data": { "courseCategory": { "id": "4", "name": "IT Operations", "url": "https://learning.udemy.com/courses/ufb-it...
SUCh a talent-selection SyStem had great impact not Only On the politics, economy education, CUItUral ConCePtS and SOCial CUStOmS Of ChineSe feudal SoeieW but also On the education SyStemS Of SUCh neighboring CoUntrieS as Japan, Korea and Vietnam. Tb Some extent, Chinas CUrrent education SyStem...
1. Name Change + GPS Positioning; 2. Support a variety of wireless charging 3. In-ear Detection Smart Sensor – music will stop when take out from ear 4. Support pop-up window(IOS) when open the lid 5. 3 x Batteries display that works ...
Please change name Roger April 16, 2017 at 10:24 am I object to your use of the term “steel-core” when referring to M855 ammunition. It has a minimal steel “penetrator” tip but the core is predominantly lead. Honestly after the 2015 ATF M855 fiasco I thought everyone would know ...
Your name: E-mail: Your vote: City, Country: Attach the picture: (Gif, Jpeg)Download map -> The Empire Of The World 2 Heroes 3: The Shadow of Death The downloadzip now includes an English walkthrough, written by Koni. This is the adventure of Maximus.A warrior from Rome.He was ban...
China is putting more emphasis on financial security in the name of ensuring that the financial sector serves the real economy. China Development Bank to loan billions in Xiongan New Area China Development Bank (CDB), a state-owned policy bank, said on Thursday that it will provide loans of...
Battlefield Vietnam: this new desktop had a GeForce 8500 GT graphics card and good run beefier games. BFV was the game I celebrated it's graphical power withDragon Age: Origins: a second love starting on 4-8-2010, the last good Bioware RPG in my opinion, loved it almost as much as...