certificates of language editing, or revised versions of the main manuscript document with tracked changes. Such files, if requested, should be sent by email to the journal’s editorial email address, quoting the manuscript reference number. Please do not send completed patient consent forms unless...
Please note:editable files are required for processing in production. If your manuscript contains any non-editable files (such as PDFs) you will be required to re-submit an editable file when you submit your revised manuscript, or after editorial acceptance in case no revision is necessary. Add...
In the MDPI Architecture journal, the initial editorial decision was “reject and decline resubmission.” However, they provided an opportunity to revise the manuscript by addressing major revisions within 10 days and resubmitting it. During this period, the status changed to “Pending Major Revision....
Pretrained neural network models for biological segmentation can provide good out-of-the-box results for many image types. However, such models do not allow users to adapt the segmentation style to their specific needs and can perform suboptimally for te
Pretrained neural network models for biological segmentation can provide good out-of-the-box results for many image types. However, such models do not allow users to adapt the segmentation style to their specific needs and can perform suboptimally for te
For example, if you have a task “write review for article XYZ” you might be inclined to have sub-tasks like “read the manuscript” and “write comments to authors” and “write comments to editor and submit”, but with comments, you can just write that into your comments field (...
If the directory contains a million files, you have to wait until all 1,000,000 files have been retrieved and a million-length array has been allocated. The second issue with the above code is a bit more subtle. FileInfo instances are created by passing a file path to FileInfo's ...
Do not include files such as patient consent forms, certificates of language editing, or revised versions of the main manuscript document with tracked changes. Such files, if requested, should be sent by email to the journal’s editorial email address, quoting the manuscript reference number. ...
should be submitted as a single composite file that contains all parts of the figure. Figures should be uploaded in the correct orientation. Figure titles (max 15 words) and legends (max 300 words) should be provided in the main manuscript, not in the graphic file. Figure keys should be ...
Do not include files such as patient consent forms, certificates of language editing, or revised versions of the main manuscript document with tracked changes. Such files, if requested, should be sent by email to the journal’s editorial email address, quoting the manuscript reference number. ...