Hailing from Pleasanton, California, Your Mother formed in 1990, before most of the band members had driver’s licenses. The band shamelessly combined punk, thrash, metal, Weird Al songs, and fart jokes into a whirlwind of stupidity that was best experie
Your momma is so fat her belly button gets home 15 minutes before she does. Your momma’s so fat that when she jumped into the ocean the whales started singing “We are Family.” Email What’s the difference between your mama and an ironing board? A:An ironing board’s legs are harde...
所属专辑:Your Mama's Jokes 喜欢下载分享 声音简介 Yo mama so fat she left the house in highheels and when she came back she had on flip flops. 你妈妈胖到出门穿着高根鞋,回家时变成平底鞋 Yo mama so fat she sat on an iPhone and turned it into an iPad. 你妈妈胖到当他一屁股坐到苹果...
There are two types of people in the world: those who love dirty jokes and those who say they don't but are lying. But don't worry about apologizing for your raunchy sense of humor here, whether you like a good old-fashioned dad joke or a cover-your-eyes sex joke. As far as we'...
所属专辑:Your Mama's Jokes 喜欢下载分享 声音简介 Yo mama so fat that nal WeatherService named each of her farts. 你妈妈胖到每次他放屁国家气象台都要命名一个新台风 Yo mama so fat that when she took a selfie,Instagram crashed. 你妈妈胖到自拍上传时,抖音总部的基地台死机了。 Yo mama so fa...
These Chinese jokes follow the age-old rule of “Show, don’t tell.” 12. Boating 了先生有天去划船,于是…孑孓孑孓孑孓孑孓…Le xiānsheng yǒutiān qù huá chuán, yúshì …jié jué jié jué jié jué jié jué. Mr. Le went boating one day, and he… ...
who rapped about not getting girls and told “your mama” jokes in verses that could sound drunk and/or helium-high. Add in producer J Swift and his no-such-thing-as-sample-overkill attitude, and you have a madcap concoction that could never have come from any kind of tested recipe. ...
Funny Jesus Jokes Images You ain’t never had a friend like the holy ghost! Here’s a funny Jesus joke: instead of OH MY GOD! Jesus be like “oh my DAD!” Another funny Jesus joke. Need an ark? I NOAH guy. That’s a nice grave there. It wold be a shame if someone ROSE from...
The mommies talk to him about taboo jokes, offensive last names, politicians on podcasts, Trumps weight loss, dumb girls stuff, then they check out some Horrible or Hilarious clips, and some of Christina's curations! Merry Chrysler to all, happy holidays to some, don't forget your Uvers,...
Eventually, this love of jokes led Roman to the creation of Humoropedia.com, the wonderful home of funny jokes and witty puns. He thinks humor is something very good. If you also think so, please follow him on X now because he has a sense of humor. Check These Out: Irish Jokes ...