所属专辑:Your Mama's Jokes 喜欢下载分享 声音简介 Yo mama so fat she left the house in highheels and when she came back she had on flip flops. 你妈妈胖到出门穿着高根鞋,回家时变成平底鞋 Yo mama so fat she sat on an iPhone and turned it into an iPad. 你妈妈胖到当他一屁股坐到苹果...
所属专辑:Your Mama's Jokes 喜欢下载分享 声音简介 Yo mama so fat that nal WeatherService named each of her farts. 你妈妈胖到每次他放屁国家气象台都要命名一个新台风 Yo mama so fat that when she took a selfie,Instagram crashed. 你妈妈胖到自拍上传时,抖音总部的基地台死机了。 Yo mama so fa...
Yo Mama's So Fat Jokes 3 Yo Mama's so fat slap her on the stomach and you can ride the waves Yo Mama's so fat when she steps on a scale it say's I want your weight not your phone number Yo Mama's so fat, she's the reason they invented double doors Yo Mama's so fat she...
Your momma is so fat her belly button gets home 15 minutes before she does. Your momma’s so fat that when she jumped into the ocean the whales started singing “We are Family.” Email What’s the difference between your mama and an ironing board? A:An ironing board’s legs are harde...
Hailing from Pleasanton, California, Your Mother formed in 1990, before most of the band members had driver’s licenses. The band shamelessly combined punk, thrash, metal, Weird Al songs, and fart jokes into a whirlwind of stupidity that was best experie
Yo mama's so fat, when she walked past the TV, I missed three episodes. Report 18points POST Manaal Baig 1 year ago Three seasons* 4 reply View more comments You might think that the “your mom” jokes originated somewhere in the past, together with the ‘90s comedies. Howe...
“grunt”] are the most common insult phrases in the world, found from China to Kenya to Argentina. While that particular phrase never caught on in the United States (no complaints about that), we’ve all heard plenty of “yo’ mama” jokes. African-American culture has developed an ...
Journey Mama Murid's log Reading Morocco Sarah Casewit Photography The Happy Hermit The House in Marrakesh The World is her Playground Toward beginner's mind Hungry? Dalai Mama Dishes Maroc Mama One Perfect Bite Blog Stats 435,982 hits Let...
Eventually, this love of jokes led Roman to the creation of Humoropedia.com, the wonderful home of funny jokes and witty puns. He thinks humor is something very good. If you also think so, please follow him on X now because he has a sense of humor. Check These Out: Irish Jokes ...
The music will still be topical. I will still make jokes that apparently only I think is funny. But now, there will be no expectation of timelines or general forethought. Off the cuff and off schedule is the name of the game for 2022. ...