The story follows Kousei Arima, a former piano prodigy who lost his ability to hear the piano’s notes after his mother’s death. His monochrome world changes dramatically when he meets Kaori Miyazono, a free-spirited violinist whose passionate approach to music and life begins to break down t...
Watch Your Lie in April Full Episodes Online. Instantly find any Your Lie in April full episode available from all 1 seasons with videos, reviews, news and more!
Your Lie in April, also known as Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso, is a series of both manga and anime written by Naoshi Arakawa and published by Kodansha. The story follows Kousei Arima, a fourteen-year-old piano prodigy, and Kaori Miyazono, the violinist who inspires Kousei to rediscover music ...
Kousei Arima CV: Natsuki Hanae Kaori Miyazono CV: Risa Taneda Saitou Nao Kashiwagi Chelsea Toshiya Miike Tsubaki Sawabe CV: Ayane Sakura Akira Takayanagi Yuriko Ochiai Ryouta Watari CV: Ryota Osaka Koharu Seto Emi Igawa CV: Saori Hayami
As she explained in her final letter, the entire set-up with her lie (in April) was just meant to come closer to Kousei without hurting Tsubaki too much (who she knew was madly in love with Kousei, even if Tsubaki herself had not recognized these feelings herself). If she really had ...
Start your free trial to watch Your Lie in April and other popular TV shows and movies including new releases, classics, Hulu Originals, and more. It’s all on Hulu.
“You exist in spring.” Arima Kousei, on Kaori Over the course of the series, the lively, vivacious Kaori that brings the colours of spring into Arima’s life also gives way when the series reaches its second half. Her external facade, which supported Arima’s overcoming of the haunting ...
Your Lie in April girl violin anime girl You'll Also Love: MusicMangaPianoDramaDragon BallSailor MoonAttack On TitanOne PieceKousei ArimaViolinistRyota WatariTsubaki SawabeMy Hero AcademiaCharacterRomance Stats/Info 1,127 1920x1080 1.92 MB PNG ...
I might be a little biased. See, Your Lie In April is a show about music, which is certainly one of my big passions in life. It revolves around a third-year middle school student, Kousei Arima. Kousei grew up as a child prodigy pianist, entering and winning every music competition he...
Guarda in streaming l'anime Your lie in April su Crunchyroll. Kousei Arima was a genius pianist until his mother's sudden death took away his ability to play. Each day was dull for Kousei. But, then he meets a violinist named Kaori Miyazono who has an ec