Your stuff after kidsCompares the personal belongings of mothers before and after having children. Pashmina shawl; Lace tablecloth; Lipstick.Parenting
stuff stashed in corners, under beds and other random places that I was venting to my friend about it one day. She thought it was pretty funny until she was in the shower the next day and noticed her own kids were doing some stashing of their own!
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us closely. Whether we like it or not, they are soaking up values from us as parents about how to live, how to work, how to achieve significance… and how to spend money. And if we are constantly desiring things we don’t need, why would we expect anything else from our kids?
You’ve sorted through your clothes, decluttered your wardrobe – and found lots of things you no longer want to wear. What now? Here are some ways to get rid of unwanted clothes that you’re going to love! * This post may contain affiliate links. They don't cost you a penny, but...
Just ask your kids what they think of these, I be they wouldn’t mind getting any of these as a gift for the holidays. BA50s love Pedal Assist bikes and they come in all different weights and the prices vary. It’s hard to pick the best one. Our publisher has been asked to test...
If something isn’t working, you try harder. Marital problems? Pray more, love more, give more, be patient, and wait it out. Suck it up, stuff it down, be quiet and don’t make waves. What Is Real? I have identified four distinct stages in the journey to wholeness. ...
Some people love to declutter and some don’t but almost everyone can spend 15 minutes a day decluttering their home! And every single day your home will be freer of mess and clutter and that feels so so good! Let’s set our timers and declutter!
I was home-schooled until the seventh grade and I repeatedly thank my parents for it. I was not only smarter than the other kids my age, I learned how to manage my time. Some days, I did three days worth of work so I could have two days off. I really worked. If I was bored ...
If you are new to making Ukrainian desserts, don’t be afraid to try them. You might discover a new favorite dessert to share with your loved ones! What Ukraine desserts do most children enjoy? Most children in Ukraine enjoy a variety of sweet desserts, just like kids everywhere. Here are...