这是手机获取解锁码解锁成功之后的提示,一般用于root和刷机,长按电源键10秒以上重启手机退出提示界面。获取手机 ROOT 权限后,可能无法达到最佳工作状态,部分功能可能无法正常运行。同时由于第三方固件未经充分测试可能会存在兼容性不好、系统易受病毒入侵等问题,或者手机不能正常使用,并且无法恢复,root后...
当刷机、解锁后手机出现your device has been unlocked and can't be trusted.的英文提示时(如图),无论如何操作,手机一直无反应。注意,此时的手机界面英文字母中无如图所示的英文提示。此时,不必过于担心和焦急,你需要的只是时间和耐心。不用在网上找各种所谓的刷机、开机方法,因为根本没用。你只...
1 当刷机、解锁后手机出现your device has been unlocked and can't be trusted.的英文提示时(如图),无论如何操作,手机一直无反应。2 注意,此时的手机界面英文字母中无如图所示的英文提示。3 此时,不必过于担心和焦急,你需要的只是时间和耐心。不用在网上找各种所谓的刷机、开机方法,因为根本没用。你...
I can't even turn it off... Just rebotting constantly with message: Orange State Your devices has been unlocked and can't be trusted Your devices will boot in 5 seconds when I try to type any fastboot command in cmd then it only shows <waiting for any device> What can I d...
Your device has been unlocked and can't be trusted.To learn more, visit 复制代码 这个问题是由于...
your device has been unlock 你的设备已经被解锁 your device has been unlock 你的设备已经被解锁
Your deivce has been unlocked and can't be trustedyour device will boot in 5 seconds然后就会自动重启进入系统我感觉可能是忘记刷入no-verity-opt-encrypt...
一加三刷机后启动出现Your deivce has beenunlocked and can't be trust... 一加三刷机后出现Your deivce has beenunlocked and can't be trusted your device will boot in 5 seconds怎么不让这个界面跳出来
一加三刷机后出现Your deivce has beenunlocked and can't be trusted your device will boot in 5 seconds 怎么不让这个界面跳出来一加1-6系 刷机玩机 加入0赞分享发表评论…评论所有评论(11) 最多赞 V5501588289689 感谢楼主分享,正需要,学习了,。。。 12-08, 2017 21:220赞回复R1472012807964 谢谢大家 10...