关闭主板的病毒防护:开机按Del键进入CMOS设置,将光标移到“Advanced BIOS Features(高级BIOS功能设置)”回车,在打开的“Advanced BIOS Features”页面,找到“Virus Warning(病毒警告)”,将其设置为“Disabled(禁用)”,按Esc键退出该页面,再选择“Save & Exit(存储退出)”回车,按Y键,再回车即可。...
弹窗内容为:Your computer is infected. You have to check it with antivirus。 弹窗说明你安装了infinitynewtab的扩展。2.infinitynewtab的扩展为啥要弹这个? .昨天晚上infinitynewtab Gmail的官方邮件收到一封钓鱼邮件。具体如图: 点击了邮件中的链接,然后官方的gmail的cookie就被窃取了。黑客窃取到infintynewtab的...
The bogus “Warning! Your Computer Is Infected” alert is shown in such a way as to trick the user into thinking their computer has crashed or that a virus has been detected on the computer. It does this to try and scare the infected user into calling one of the listed numbers in orde...
chrome提示yo..今天老是弹出your computer is infected ,you have to check it with antivirus问下c吧基佬,有遇到过这种情况吗大家都有啊,我还以为电脑中毒了
意思是 你的计算机已经被感染了 也许是你已经中 病毒了 你重新启动一下看看有没有变化 用杀毒软件 杀毒吧!只是我自己的建议
1.启动到安全模式下杀毒试试 2.用这个扫描下电脑:反间谍软件SpybotSD:http://soft.mumayi.net/Software/Catalog109/2274.html 参考资料:http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/3355574.html
右下角出现一个红色带白色叉的图标提示Your computer is infected! Windows has detected spyware infection It is recomended to use special antispyware tools to perven...
Scenario #15: “I used an external USB drive and when I connected it to my computer, it was infected by a virus and suddenly all the files turned into shortcuts.” Here’s another warning sign showing your computer could be infected with malware. If you used an external USB drive or ...
When your computer is infected by a ___, it may run slowly and some files may be damaged. A. router B. virus C. search engine D. domain 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 B。解析:选项A“router”(路由器)是用于连接网络设备的硬件,它不会使计算机运行缓慢和损坏文件;选项B“virus”(病毒)一旦感...