characters voiced by one comedian, Ownage Pranks brings you a weekly dose of unscripted and improvised pranks that are sure to make you fall out of your seat laughing. What began as a hobby to entertain friends in 2004 has since evolved into the most subscribed prank call channel on YouTube...
File restore is a well known Fake HDD scam, that plaques thousands of PC.This virus attacks computers with a help of Trojan horses therefore a computer user does not notice infiltration in most cases. For the installation of File Restore virus you do not have to give any special permission ...
However, there is a preventive measure to take before using this procedure. However, it’s for the rare situations where it exacerbates the issue. Computer-generated calls that check if your cell number is active are examples of restricted calls. Moreover, scammers are phoning you in terms of...
If you’ve recently switched to Mac from a Windows PCs, you might be feeling a little lost. Or perhaps you have been a Mac user for donkey years but still have not figured out all your computer’s little tricks and functionalities. Either way, knowing how to master your device is helpfu...
1984: First Christmas computer camp opens Mike Slaughter // Toronto Public Library 1984: First Christmas computer camp opens Parents who needed to get their children out of the house for a while on Christmas break had a new option in 1984. That year, Chicago's Museum of Science and Industry...
Learn and play your go-to party game, "Charades", now! We have over 1,000 "Charades" ideas to guarantee endless laughter and fun in your party.
You're going to have to clean this one up, so maybe plan this one on a day when you are not rushing out to door for work. The footprints help show the elf was rather active at night.Elf With A Marker One of the more popular Elf on the Shelf ideas this year has been parents wri...
1984: First Christmas computer camp opens Mike Slaughter // Toronto Public Library 1984: First Christmas computer camp opens Parents who needed to get their children out of the house for a while on Christmas break had a new option in 1984. That year, Chicago's Museum of Science and Industry...
In reality, these are just computer virus hoaxes, as neither have you been infected by any malware nor has your hard disk been formatted. However, there is no doubt that users will be really scared to see their computer almost destroyed!
3. Allow your pets to do their business in your neighbor’s yard, and don’t use a pooper scooper. You could train your dog to poop directly where your neighbor would step out of his car. Yes, that has happened to a friend of mine. It wasn’t intentional, just totally rude. ...