On branch my-branch Your branch is ahead of 'origin/my-branch' by 2 commits. (use "git push" to publish your local commits) 一种方法是: (main)$ git reset --hard origin/my-branch 我需要提交到一个新分支,但错误的提交到了main 在main下创建一个新分支,不切换到新分支,仍在main下: (main...
The “git tip of your current branch is behind” error message occurs when your local Git branch is not up-to-date with the recent changes in the remote branch that it is tracking. For example, someone else pushes the changes to the remote repository but you have not downloaded them to ...
Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by N commits, and can be fast-forwarded 解决方法 如上图报错 如果不要当前的改动,请重置到库的最新版本:
例如,我们在远程仓库develop闻分支新建文件file然后执行命令git status,发现没有提示:Your branch is behind 'origin/develop' by 1 commit $ git status On branch develop Your branch is up to date with 'origin/develop'. nothing to commit, working tree clean $ ls README.md file-in-develop file3 h...
[git] your branch is ahead of ... 解决办法 2019-09-24 21:50 −出现该问题表示在次之前已经有X个commite了,执行命令git reset --hard HEAD~X解决其中X表示有多少次提交,此命令的意思是回退到x个commit之前。git reset --hard HEAD~Xgit pull --rebase ... ...
"Your branch and 'origin/master' have diverged, # and have 1 and 1 different commit(s) each, respectively." , check if youneed to update origin. If origin is up-to-date, then some commits have been pushed to origin from another repo while you made your own commits locally. ...
My situation is: $ git status# On branch stablenothing tocommit(working directory clean)$ git checkout master Switched to branch'master'Your branch is ahead of'origin/master'by857commits. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. push masterbranch is behind the remoteorigin/masterand actually I need togit pu...
This branch is 2 commits behind Chris911/iStats:master.Folders and files Latest commit Chris911 v1.6.1 0b86af3· Jul 30, 2018 History167 Commits bin Add --no-graphs option Oct 11, 2016 ext/osx_stats Update SMC GetFanSpeed method with support for flt type (Chris911#67) Jul 30, 2018...
This branch is 2 commits behind opensource-nepal/commitlint:main.Folders and files Latest commit aj3sh fix: fix major version tag fetch on pre-commit autoupdate (opensource… dffb36b· Aug 15, 2024 History66 Commits .github github_actions src/commitlint tests .gitignore .pre-commit-confi...
When the import of the repository is completed, Azure DevOps sets the Default branch for that imported repository. If the imported repository contains a branch named master, it is set as the default branch, otherwise the first branch (in alphabetical order) of the imported repository is set as...