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Your brain on music Why recorded music will never feel as good as the real thing The answer, according to neuroscience In a world of music streaming services, access to almost any song is just a few clicks away. Yet, the live gig lives on. P...
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As the internet has become a necessity for students, technology has developed along with it, and now programs are available to block porn from kids and help parents protect them from inappropriate content, but what if a child is accidentally exposed? What is the real effect of porn on a chi...
Is Technology Messing With Your Brain?The article offers insights on the impact of technology on people, particularly to kids who engage in multitasking activities which requires the brain to shift focus from one activity ...
Two semantic memory search mechanisms that are involved in creativity have been uncovered by Emmanuelle Volle’s group (Inserm) at the Frontlab of the Paris Brain Institute in association with the Universities of Graz (Austria),Warwick (UK), and the Israel Institute of Technology. ...
The Neuro Engineering Team of Tianjin University, China, drawing on the neuroplasticity mechanism, has developed the "Shengong" rehabilitation robot based on brain-machine interface technology for patients with limb movement dysfunction. Shengong, the world's first neuromodulated powered exoskeleton system...
technology entertainment music creativity brain TEDx About the speaker Charles Limb Researcher See speaker profile Charles Limb is a doctor and a musician who researches the way musical creativity works in the brain. Learn more What Making Music Does to Your Brain ...
Imagine if you could prepare for your next meeting using only your thoughts - a scenario that might soon become a reality thanks to the development of brain-computer interfaces (BCIs). Through BCI technology, such miracle is no longer the future; it is here and now. Advanced technology on ...