Make sure you enter the codes exactly as they are shown below, as they are case-sensitive. How to enter codes in Roblox Your Bizarre Adventure To redeem the codes, press the Menu button in the bottom right, then the Settings button. A text box will appear that you can type the codes ...
Your Bizar..石鬼面手持左键使用变成一个吸血鬼不过注意,吸血鬼的战斗方式还需要到THE BAR 找站在门口的人学习需要5000元(找到后不要立刻使用,随到好替身再用,不然后悔死你)这个物品算是这游戏现在最稀有的物品
Your Bizar..看见这个保安了吗,你需要干倒五个才能完成你的第一个活,当然,刚入坑的你可能会被保安反杀,但如果你懂些基本操作的话..F格挡左键轻击右键两下重击ALT进行闪躲(顺带一提,这个游戏开shiftlock后p
发现了一个和yba就..游戏名字叫[UPDATE] Stand Upright [testing],这个游戏玩的人比yba多。他们的机制一些基础操作比如奔跑是ctrl,突进是alt,然后还有替身的升级都是以树状图呈现的,然后
Related:Roblox Your Bizarre Adventure Codes Other useful links for Your Bizarre Adventure As well as the above Trello board, there are a couple more useful links for the fans of Your Bizarre Adventure. For example, the game’s Discord is a great place to find more players to interact with ...
roblox[Your Bizarre Adventure]教程 昨天刚刚做了新手任务教程的视频,发现有很多没讲清楚 所以大家请自行去下面的帖子看: 以下图片转自游戏作者Bizarre Studios 侵删 侵删
Welcome to the Roblox 名称:hanhhhgg Roblox ID:2869711030 随缘直播,感谢您的关注与支持 关注1636 默认收藏夹 1/141 创建者:橙子播播机 收藏 【Roblox Your Bizarre Adventure YBA】剑术辣椒在1v1 瞬间就MAX啦! 638播放 嗯~好臭臭~ 1.1万播放 不过审,服了 6984播放 这个坐姿很容易放屁 913播放 【特遣队...
Screenshot by Gamepur If you are still not happy with the weapon you have equipped, you can buy other iterations of that gun type. For example, the Barrage Javelin has improved hull damage, shield damage, armor damage, and reload speed with no cons whatsoever. They can be bought at The ...
Other riders are out to kill you Screenshot by Gamepur If you’re close to the pack in a race, get away from them as soon as possible. If you touch another rider’s bike, it’s you who will pay for the crime. For some reason, the game’s AI doesn’t seem to detect you, so...