立即体验 在Android Studio中,如果你遇到了“Your anti-virus program might be impacting your build performance”的警告,这通常意味着你的防病毒软件可能干扰了构建过程。防病毒软件可能会扫描正在编译的代码和文件,导致构建速度变慢。为了解决这个问题,你可以采取以下措施: 更新防病毒软件:确保你的防病毒软件是最新版...
Windows杀毒软件导致 Android Studio 构建项目时间太长的问题 Your anti-virus program might be impacting your build performance. Android Studio checked the following directories: C:\Users\ChangBao\.gradle C:\Users\ChangBao\AppData\Local\Google\AndroidStudio4.2 C:\fastwork\android-sdk C:\fastwork\...
今天下午,更新了一下Android Studio,Android Studio编译报错Your anti-virus program might be impacting your build performance,看着好像是下面的一些路径,不知道为啥被禁止了。 错误.png 是不是杀毒软件搞的鬼,把360杀毒关了,果然,可以正常运行了,哎,欲哭无泪呀,这破问题,居然浪费了我半个小时。 果断把软件的几...
AndroidStudio编译报错: Your anti-virus program might be impacting your build performance. Android Studio checked the following directories: Win10只装有系统的WindowsDefender 找到管理设置 向下滑找到排除项 将报错的路径添加进去 我把整个开发文件夹都放进去了,导入其他项目还会报错。 总结如下: Windows安全中心 ...
1、报错类型: 1.不支持发行版本13 2.打开报错日志后显示: 点击右下角Event log后显示:Windows Defender might be impacting your build performance... 2、报错原因: 1、项目编译配置使用的Java版本不对,需要检查一下项目及环境使用的Java编译版本配置。 2、某些防毒软件干扰IDE构造过程。 3、解决办法: 1、查看...
Your anti-virus program might be impacting your build performance. 解决方案 看样子应该符合要求
Your anti-virus program might be impacting your build performance. Android Studio checked the following directories: E:\WorkPlaceAndroidStudio\learnAndroid\FistApp C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\andro...Android日常开发(35)Your anti-virus program might be impacting 9:28 Gradle build failed in 1...
Your next gaming PC could be fully built by Nvidia Best Antivirus Deals: Protect your PC or Mac from just $35 Giveaways Here’s your chance to win this Gigabyte gaming laptop — a $1,300 value I remember the days when a gaming laptop, or any laptop really, couldn't hold up against...
Regularly refer to the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures directory to remain informed of the latest exposures that could be impacting your software solutions. 2. Disable Unnecessarily Web Server Functions If a web shell is injected, its execution could be blocked if the functions that communicate...
While virus scans don’t directly boost your internet speed, it does remove malware and spyware thatcould be hampering the networking componentsor the entire device. Likewise, if there’s an infected device on the network, it can hog up the bandwidth impacting other gadgets. ...