Young Sheldon Season 7: How Old Is Sheldon, Missy & All Main Characters (Ages Explained) Have you ever wanted to know the ages of all the main characters in Young Sheldon including Sheldon, Missy, Georgie, and more? Here is a full breakdown of the ages and birthdays of the CBS comedy'...
However, Meemaw refuses to babysit Sheldon and Missy after school until Mary arrives home. George and Meemaw convince Mary that it will be a great experience to the twins staying home alone for a couple of hours to increase their maturity. But the day one is not how Mary expected to be....
但今晚 有一个声音我无法忽略But tonight there was one sound I couldn't tune out.你为什么不吃饭 谢尔顿Why aren't you eating Sheldon?有这么刺耳的噪音我要怎么吃啊How can I with that horrible noise?什么噪音What noise?那烦人的高频嗡嗡声That irritating highpitched buzz.我没听到啊I don't hear...
发现Missy是隔代遗传姥姥情商,Sheldon则是隔代遗传姥爷智商。 岁月不待人,赶紧拍接下来的几季,早日续订到S10。 链接: 提取码:ixw3 --来自百度网盘超级会员V5 分享3赞 即墨区华山路小学吧 影音使者3 小谢尔顿 / 少年谢尔顿 / 少年谢耳朵 1-6季...
Sheldon,youarenotaprofessorhere. 我太清楚了因为如果我是 Oh,Iknow.IfIweretoteach, 这里绝对会是一所比现在好太多的大学 itwouldbeatamuchbetteruniversitythanthisone. 而且再过54天你就不再是这里的学生了 And,in54days,youwillnolongerbeastudenthere. ...
少年 谢尔顿 《少年谢尔顿》前情提要 Previously on Young Sheldon... 你怎么看起来快哭的样子 Why do you look like youre gonna cry? 一年前 我还是圣安东尼奥市的气象女孩 A year ago, I was a TV weather girl in San Antonio, 现在我却和搞大我肚子的17岁男孩 and now Im living in a garage ...
Hey,Billy.Sheldon'snothere. -那米希呢-也不在 -IsMissy?-Nope. 那就好我想跟你单独谈谈 Good.Ineedtotalktoyoualone. 妈蛋 Balls. 你不介意我边看比赛边跟你聊吧 YoumindifIwatchthegamewhilewetalk? 不介意 That'sfine. 所以你找我有什么事
小谢尔顿第二季1-10集Young Sheldon中英剧本 下载积分: 1000 内容提示: 第一集 世上没人比我强壮 Nobody else is stronger than I am 昨天我移了一座山 Yesterday I moved a mountain 我相信我能当你的英雄 I bet I could be your hero 我是个了不起的小家伙 I am a mighty little man 我是个了不...
3593x2021 9回应 2961x1667 11回应 800x450 missy 1152x823 2回应 4178x2791 11回应 800x450 可爱的谢小妹 嚒嚒哒~4回应 800x450 missy3回应 1152x822 1回应 3000x2000 1回应 1920x1080 1200x656 2回应 1200x857 1回应 3000x2000 735x1200