少年 谢尔顿 《少年谢尔顿》前情提要 Previously on Young Sheldon... 我怀孕了 Im pregnant. 我听见他们说到一个婴儿 I heard them talking about a baby. -天啊 -你知道那代表什么意思 - Oh, my. - You know what that means. -妈妈怀孕了 -没错 - Moms pregnant. - Exactly. 人人都爱婚礼 Every...
Mom, Sheldon can’t find his bowtie. 妈妈,谢尔顿找不到他的蝴蝶结了. Really? I laid it out for him. 怎么会 我取出来了啊 Leave it alone, Mary .He doesn’t need a bowtie. 别管他, 玛丽,他不需要蝴蝶结. It’s his first day of school .Let him wear what he wants. 学校的第一天,...
Young Sheldon《小谢尔顿》第五季第十七集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,)世上没人比我强壮? j Nobody else is stronger than I am))昨天我移了一座山) J Yesterday I moved a mountain J)我相信我能当你的英雄J ? I bet I could be your hero JJ我是个了不起的小家伙J j I
PreviouslyonYoungSheldon... 我们能谈谈吗 Canwetalk? 是该谈谈了 Webetter. 怎么了 What'sgoingon? 我怀孕了 I'mpregnant. 你真的确定吗 Areyousure? 确定一定以及肯定 I'msure. 有时候这种东西会出错 Sometimesthesethingsain'taccurate. 再验一次看看吧 ...
I'm sure if your mom knew what was going on, 肯定会来帮忙的 she'd be here to help. 可当初我告诉她我怀孕后Well, I told my mom I was pregnant 她就气 到不再跟我说话了 and she stopped talking to me. So... 我知道可是・・・I know, but... 这不关你的事玛丽It's not...
Sheldon, Dyan. CONFESSIONS OF A TEENAGE DRAMA QUEEN Shepard, Jim. PROJECT X : A NOVEL Shepard, Sara. PRETTY LITTLE LIARS Shusterman, Neal. THE DARK SIDE OF NOWHERE Shusterman, Neal. DREAD LOCKS Shusterman, Neal. EVERLOST Shusterman, Neal. FULL TILT ...
"We would love to have her back," Holland confirms, adding that McEntire has said she'd like return toYoung Sheldon, too. "She's expressed interest, but she's very busy. She has another [sitcom] pilot that she's shooting...so I just don't know if it's going to work out." ...
SheldonCooper. 什么 What? 我看完了我叫谢尔顿·库珀 Ifinishedreadingit.MynamesSheldonCooper. 什么你看完了 What...Youfinishedit? 是的 Yes. 不错嘛你 Impressive. 你应该主修计算机科学 Youshouldmajorincomputerscience. 不了谢谢我还是读真正的科学就好 ...
My mom got pregnant with me before she and my dad got married. 所以你要娶我女儿吗 So you're gonna marry my daughter? 如果她不再说"不要"就娶 Well, if she'd stop saying "No." 这也还不错吧 Well, that's something. -吉姆 -我闭嘴 - Jim. - All right. 她为什么不愿意...
Cooper family history is repeating itself on CBS‘ Young Sheldon. [pmc_inline_gallery] Eighteen years after an unwed Mary became pregnant with Georgie, George and Mary’s first born knocked up older girlfriend Mandy— and Thursday’s episode of the Big Bang Theory spinoff picked up in the ...