Yes,Sheldon? 说吧,谢尔顿 Per the student dress and grooming code,this boy’s hair is too long, this boy is wearing sports attire outside of a designated area,and this girl’s blouse is diaphanous,which means I can see her brassiere. 根据学生着装规范,这个男生的头发太长了,这个男孩在指定区...
小谢尔顿 第四季 Young Sheldon 》中Missy扮演者拉根·雷沃德 Raegan Revord 13岁了,祝生日快乐啊,很有潜力的小童星[good]
"Young Sheldon" Uncle Sheldon and a Hormonal Firecracker (TV Episode 2022) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more.
Sheldon gets an odd request from a friend; Georgie comes clean to Mandy. Thursday, February 27 9:00 AM Babies, Lies and a Resplendent Cannoli Season 5 • Episode 18 Sheldon copes with the death of a hero; Missy wants to babysit; Georgie struggles with his secret. ...
对比其他几位小演员,他真的是不行有几集的哭戏,真的特别违和,感觉不是真的伤心的那种表情有点像小女生卖萌的那种撒娇的哭,看的我直哆嗦~~~Georgie 和 Missy 演技真的吊打YoungSheldon特别是Missy 特别俏皮,但是很自然的感觉他的唯一的优势也就是长得像了~ 送TA礼物 1楼2019-05-19 09:59回复 ...
- Hair color: Black - Eye color: Brown Posted by Zubeir (2023-09-10)11035 Hello my name is Damion I am 14 years old, and I was looking to audition to be on “Young Sheldon”. I’ve seen all 6 seasons of the show, and I know there will probably be a downtime because of the...
看young Sheldon 新一季最后一集Missy因为喜欢的男生心情很差 发脾气 George进房间安慰她说:你还很小 你之后会认识很多其他男孩子 这个男孩子不重要 missy回了一句:难道我现在的feeling就不重要吗 天呐打中我心 每次因为boy issue伤心时总会安慰自己 之后还会有别人 我也没这么喜欢他之类的自我欺骗 但是 当下的感受...
around the year, Sheldon would catch his dad having sexual relations with another woman. It's uncertain when exactly the spinoff plans to tackle this monumental event, but seeing this side-by-side photo of Sheldon and Missy, one thing is clear:Young Sheldoncan no longer delay George's ...
frustrated at being ignored after always being there for her family members. Admittedly, the series could have found better ways to utilize Missy in season 6, but it was better than being disregarded again. ComeYoung Sheldonseason 7, however, it seems like Missy will finally be able to fully...