out of her mouth before my grandmother leapt over the desk to attack her. Startled by the sight of my grandma flying through the air, fists clenched, eyes gleaming like forbidden fire, the bigot handed over the money. Waiving her paycheck proudly in the air, my grandmother sashayed out of...
Paley, Sasha. HUGE Paolini, Christopher. ELDEST Paolini, Christopher. ERAGON Pascal, Francine. FEARLESS Pascal, Francine. THE RULING CLASS Patterson, James. 1ST TO DIE Patterson, James. THE ANGEL EXPERIMENT (MAXIMUM RIDE) Patterson, James. WITCH & WIZARD ...
—Sasha Dugdale Katherine Young’s translation of ‘Spring rain beats on broken branches’ by Xenia Emelyanova is a quiet unshowy poem that simply couldn’t be left behind. Its cadence has both a forlorn heartbeat and a freedom like birdsong. The sad eye takes me with it and the voice ...