Agri, Food & Aqua Conference Committee is intended to honour prestigious award for talented Young researchers, scientists, Young Investigators, Post-Graduate students, Post-doctoral fellows, Trainees, Junior faculty in recognition of their outstanding contribution towards the conference theme. The Young Sc...
Young Researcher Sessions are organized at the Clinical Pediatrics Conference, to provide a unique platform for Young Researchers/Investigators for presenting latest research projects with an in-depth analysis.
Opportunity for young researchers to learn about the research areas of their peers to increase their capacity as multidisciplinary researchers. Actively distribute information and promote the benefits of education and career matters. The prize winning papers will be considered for publication in the OMICS...
Young researchers conferenceRefractories and Industrial Ceramics -doi:10.1007/BF01292820I. P. RublevskiiKluwer Academic Publishers-Plenum PublishersRefractories
Young Researchers Forum Come Let’s Bring a Transformation in the Scientific Society The Young Researchers Forum offers young researchers the possibility to meet and discuss research topics and methodologies, share and develop ideas, learn from each other and gain knowledge from senior researchers. ...
The Conference: This conference presents the work and achievements of young researchers in the field of energy efficiency. It offers an opportunity to interact with researchers and industry experts from all over the world. The Young Researcher's Conference is held in the context of the World Susta...
摘要: Organizing Committee is glad to announce, "2nd Global Conference on Health and Healthcare Management" during October 14-15, 2020 in Philadelphia, USA with a very progressive theme of: "Future advancement of Healthcare Management年份: 2019 ...
The Young Researchers Conference is part of the WORLD SUSTAINABLE ENERGY DAYS (WSED,, one of the largest annual conferences in this field in Europe. The WSED offer a unique combination of events: 8 CONFERENCES on biomass, energy efficiency, energy services: European Pellet Confer...
[IEEE 2018 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EIConRus) - Moscow and St. Petersburg, Russia (2018.1.29-2018.2.1)] 2018 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EIConRus) - Study of the operating ...
International Collaboration accounts for the articles that have been produced by researchers from several countries. The chart shows the ratio of a journal's documents signed by researchers from more than one country; that is including more than one country address. YearInternational Collaboration 2020...