This article reports the numerical simulation studies of the nanoindentations of wire structural materials on elastic-plastic substrates using dimensional analysis and the finite element method. We find that the measured hardness and Young's modulus of wire structural materials are significantly influenced...
Step by step video & image solution for To determine the young's modulus of a wire , the formula is Y = (F)/( A) . (L)/ ( Delta l) , where L = l ength , A = area of cross - section of the wire , DeltaL = change in the length of the wire when streched with a for...
(1) experimental method: the young's modulus of the wire is measured by the elongation method.(2) measuring method: measuring small length change with light lever amplification method.(3) data processing method: the method of loop difference is used to process data.(4) eliminate system error ...
内容提示: 杨氏模量(Young modulus) Measurement of Young's modulus Any object will deform under the action of an external force. When the deformation does not exceed a certain limit, the deformation will disappear after the external force is removed. This deformation is called an elastic ...
This paper proposes a new way,named Fraunhofer single slit diffraction method,to measure the Young.'s modulus for a wire.When the laser passes through the single slit,the diffraction fringe is formed by the means of measuring the change of diffraction fringe,and the wire's elongation can be ...
感谢知乎网名为“文曲”的同学提供的实验报告,不知道为啥@不到!编辑于 2021-06-03 09:24 内容所属专栏 高校学习生活圈 在这里分享在学习与生活经历 订阅专栏 实验物理 赞同571 条评论 分享喜欢收藏申请转载 写下你的评论... 1 条评论 默认 最新 飞龙庄 老师要求实验结果在1....
15 You are asked to find the Young modulus for a metal using a sample of wire.*(a)Describe the apparatus you would use, the measurements you would take and explain how you would use them to determine the Young modulus for the metal.s (b)State one safety precaution you would take.(c...
以下说法正确的是: What is the correct statement of the following options? A、杨氏弹性模量E仅决定于材料本身的性质,模量越大,物体越不容易变形。 Young's modulus of elasticity e only depends on the properties of the material itself. The larg
IT was observed that, during annealing, the modulus of elasticity of copper wires may be appreciably lowered 1 . This phenomenon has been explained by Barrett 2 as resulting from alterations in their textures. As has been shown by Schmid and Wassermann 3 , most metals with a face-centred cub...
YOUNG’SMODULUS杨氏模量 PhysicsExperimentTeachingCenter Aim 1.ToestimateYoung’sModulusforasteelwire.2.Tolearnhowtomeasureatinydeformation.Theory Young'smodulusisameasureofthestiffnessoftheelasticmaterial.ThelengthofatestedwireisL0,andFisthemagnitudeoftheforceappliedperpendicularlytotheareaAofthewire.Thestrainor...