乳香採自種植於該地區的阿曼乳香樹,在Young Living阿曼馬斯開特的阿拉伯乳香蒸餾廠蒸餾。我們獲得得以出口這項瑰寶的特殊許可。 AgilEase亦採用Young Living在加拿大卑斯省納爾遜堡的Northern Lights農場生產的獨家北極光黑雲杉精油(Picea mariana)。 常見問題 Q:如我無法直接吞膠囊,我可以把AgilEase膠囊打開,再把它灑在食...
Finish it with anatural face moisturizerthat prevents dry, flaky skin and keeps your face hydrated throughout the day. This way you'll have a bright face with a natural glow and you'll get to prevent signs of aging from happening. I can assure you it's never too late to start taking ...