The meaning of YOUNG is being in the first or an early stage of life, growth, or development. How to use young in a sentence.
youth age bracket, age group, cohort - a group of people having approximately the same age aged, elderly - people who are old collectively; "special arrangements were available for the aged" Adj. 1. young - (used of living things especially persons) in an early period of life or developme...
简介 Follows a youth group called Young Life, and all the craziness that goes on. Young Life takes place on Long Island and always has insane games, music, and awesome leaders. 演职人员全部 Andrew Wehnke导演 Andrew Wehnke饰: Andrew Wehnke Maria Kruzic饰: Maria Kruzic Colleen Taylor饰: ...
But surveys where youth are age 12-14 at the time of interview will necessarily miss some behavior that occurs in the 14th year of life but after the time of the interview unless a "life table" analytic approach is used as is the case for a few specific variables in the papers based ...
Our results support the existing literature that weight gain more strongly associates with breast cancer risk than a ‘once-only’ measure of BMI and an emerging theme that cancer prevention should be targeted across the life course.34 Thus, in future studies, adult weight gain might replace BMI...
Matthew Kelly, who is from Ireland and studying Chinese language and Chinese culture at the Confucius Institute in Dublin, chose the word "rewarding" to sum up his life last year. Three months ago, Kelly had the opportunity to travel to China for the first time through a scholarship program...
The meaning of YOUNG is being in the first or an early stage of life, growth, or development. How to use young in a sentence.
Abstract This chapter gives an in-depth analysis of the 2017 General Election and the ‘youthquake’ narrative about increased political interest, participation, engagement and activism of young people in Britain. This chapter explains why the vote was propitious to engage young people in electoral po...
facilitating contact to their target group of socially marginalised citizens, including persons in homelessness. Several of the interviews took place ad hoc, for example at the warming centre, and were often interrupted by respondents’ lack of concentration and/or the buzzing life of the ...