The Chinese title of this book 盘中餐 comes from a Tang dynasty poem by Li Shen 李绅 (772-846) :Min nong er shou悯农二首 (Pity the Peasant, 2 poems): 鋤禾日當午 / 汗滴禾下土 / 誰知盤中餐 / 粒粒皆辛苦. “Hoeing the fields in the mid-day sun, their sweat drips into the earth...
Goal 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure —产业、创新和基础设施 大卫.麦考利 / 吕梦佳,白欣:《机械运转的秘密》 (电子工业出版社) ISBN 978-7121303401 // David Macauley,How Machines Work. Zoo Break!(DK Children) ISBN 978-1465440129 加古里子 / 肖潇 : 《地铁开工了》(北京科学技术出版社) IS...
The first stage of the "Illusory Theatre of The Everyday" course started with the extension of the human senses, from the perspective of "objectification" we took the journey of Zhuang Zhou's dream-like philosophical thi...
Kim, K., Kwon, K., Ottenbreit-Leftwich, A., Bae, H., & Glazewski, K. (2023). Exploring middle school students’ common naive conceptions of artificial intelligence concepts, and the evolution of these ideas. Education and Information Technologies, (20230118).
Kim J. The quality of social relationships in schools and adult health: differential effects of student–student versus student–teacher relationships. School Psychol. 2020;36(1):6–16. Article Google Scholar Knis-Matthews L, Bokara J, DeMeo L, Lepo...
Kim HC, et al. Korea hypertension fact sheet 2020: analysis of nationwide population-based data. Clin Hypertens. 2021;27(1):8. Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Zhang Y, Moran AE. Trends in the Prevalence, Awareness, Treatment, and Control of Hypertension Among Young Adults...
elle says, “i hope that i can be a representative for people just like me in the media and that there are more people like me standing right beside me.” louisa cannell 5/19 em odesser, 19, barrier breaker by tahirah hairston “why keep it a secret when everyone you know is dealing...
In a nationally representative sample, with a set of consistently defined measures of parent-adolescent relationship characteristics, we found adolescents’ perceptions of their relationships with parents were associated with general health, mental health, sexual health, and substance use in young adulthood...
Measuring condom use with the last partner might not be representative of general condom use behaviors. However, this would result in conservative estimates of risk, biasing our results toward the null. Finally, participants in this study were not sampled probabilistically; as a consequence our r...
“We started targeting them early,” saidCJ Warnkeof House Majority PAC, the super PAC affiliated with House Democratic leadership. “We did not do that with [Kim] in 2024. But definitely a priority for us to do leading up to ’26 cycle is take a much tougher look at...