Nick, Seth, Gibby, and Jazz are back in action bringing justice, protection, and disaster energy to the people of Nova City. An unexpected hero returns to Nova City and crash lands into Nick’s home, upturning his life, his family, and his understanding of what it means to be a hero ...
Presented is a review of Justice in Young Adult Speculative Fiction: A Cognitive Reading by Marek C. Oziewicz.Zachary DilbeckMythlore: A Journal of J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Charles Williams, and Mythopoeic Literature
Searingly relevant, emotionally resonant, and bravely unapologetic in its unflinching portrayal of institutional racism and the corruption of the justice system, An important entry into the contemporary canon of African American literature, The Hate U Give is a must-read in our day and time. 85....
her story was incredibly unique, pushing the boundaries of fantasy and science fiction in new and fresh ways. My one critique of this story is that as much as I love a happy ending, I do think this is a case where Roth was held back by the prompt of a love story collection which re...
We here at WisCon pride ourselves on our work towards social justice. We use science fiction and fantasy as a lens on the world. As does SFF YA. This historically new stage of life—teenagers—which is the matter of YA, not just its supposed audience–is a nexus for a lot of the thi...
This began with cameos in "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" (2016) and "Suicide Squad" (2016) and led to a lead role in the ensemble film "Justice League" (2017). Success has not come without controversy, however, and Miller has seen a share of legal troubles with various...
Multi-award-winning artist Ballboss hopes that this story will inspire reflection on questions of reconciliation and justice. In the tension between the unembellished texts, the unique monochrome black watercolours, and his unerring sense for perspective and detail, Ballboss makes it possible for ...
I also struggled with the issue of censorship because it was close to home and I had to move away to do it justice. That's another reason for the "fictional" Crutcher book. Cole: Why did you use a deceased narrator? Crutcher: To take advantage of the vision of a third-person ...
This is How I Find Her starts off with the MC, Sophie finding her Mum on the bathroom floor, overdosed on her medication. At first I thought it was going to be a really cool book and maybe I’d cry. Well, it wasn’t and I didn’t. ...
Perhaps what doomed the series was its attempt to fit too many categories: action-adventure, historical fiction, comedy, romance. series suffered from too many. It may have worked as just an action-adventure series if that was all it was. And the historical setting could have worked, too, ...