1 The present study, the NEURONORMA young adults project (NNy), aims to build upon NN by gathering normative data from a Spanish sample of subjects younger than 50. The general characteristics of this study are described in another article. Within the framework of that project, this study ...
Like its predecessors, this book serves as a guide to any adult interested in selecting books in Spanish for children in preschool through high school. Most of the books included in the guide have been published since 1984 and come from Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican...
At 54 years old, Kid Rock has not yet outgrown the tantrum-throwing evident in young children who don’t understand that other people’s celebrations aren’t about them. Larisha Paul, Rolling Stone, 10 Feb. 2025 Questioning the boundaries of Mexican identity is a recurring concern amongst you...
To our knowledge, only one recent study by Gil-Lario and colleagues (2020) investigated sexting behaviors in Colombian adolescents, analyzing the prevalence of sexting between Spain and Colombia: Specifically, 28% of Spanish and 49% of Colombians reported to have been involved at least once in ...
We discuss the implications of these findings for understanding the phenomenon sometimes labeled repression. Spanish abstract was not available at time of publication. 展开 关键词:Child sexual abuse Repressed memory Memory Repression Forgetting Adult survivor ...
Strong, Michael. 1983. Social styles and the second language acquisition of Spanish-speaking kindergartners.TESOL Quarterly17. 241–258.https://doi.org/10.2307/3586652.Search in Google Scholar Swain, Merril, Penny Kinnear & Linda Steinman. 2011.Sociocultural theory in second language education: An...
A Review of “Recommended Books in Spanish for Children and Young Adults, 2004–2008”Isabel Schon. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2009, ISBN 978-0-8108-6386-6.doi:10.1080/01462671003596019Amy T. ThornleyInstructional Materials CenterMiami University LibrariesCollection Management...
Germline mutations in the BRCA1 gene have been associated with familial breast/ovarian cancer. Furthermore, women diagnosed of early-onset breast cancer have a higher probability of being carriers of BRCA1 mutations. Our aim was to know prevalence of BRCA1 mutations in women with breast cancer ...
This chapter examines how co-residence with adult children affects the levels of parental satisfaction in Japan. Our empirical evidence suggests that parents are more likely to be dissatisfied with their life and marriage when they live with an adult child. The gender analysis reveals that mothers ...
Bullying in German Primary Schools: Gender Differences, Age Trends and Influence of Parents' Migration and Educational Backgrounds. The study discussed herein assessed the prevalence of bullying and analysed possible predictors for bullying in a sample of urban primary school-age childr... MARÉES,N...